I've been in fandom longer than I've been writing for Clex, so I'd seen
getyourwordsout references at least a year prior to joining. It seemed like a fun idea, much like NaNoWriMo always seems like a good idea.
This year, 2010, I pledged to write 200k words. For me, that was a reasonable goal and in the normal course of events, I might have managed to reach that goal. I didn't. I'm going to estimate now that I'll end the year with approximately 109k words, only half of which has been posted this year.
It is not the number I set out to write, but I'm actually quite happy with it. And as such, since
getyourwordsout is offering a Modest pledge of 150k words, I have already signed up for next year.
I didn't reach the goal, but the purpose behind things like this and NaNo are to get words written, however many we can and however bad (or awesome) they may be. And as such, it's an endeavor that I enjoy and will participate in again. And again. Until I succeed. And then I'll do it all over again to see if I can manage it twice.
* * *
I have an excel spreadsheet that I kind of have put together over time. The latest form is inspired by a combination of NaNoWriMo and
tallihensia, with tweaking for those things I know I care about and to remove the things I never remember to keep track of anyway. >D
I haven't bothered trying to find and count ALL my comment!fics, but I've made a decent attempt to capture the ones I've kept track of.
I started writing Smallville fic in October of 2009. From October to December 31st, I posted 27,689 words.
Theoretically, I've been writing in SV all this year, but there was work, family, more work, and life (also, Netflix and video games). At this point, my total posted/submitted word count for Smallville in 2010 is 58,329.
Of that, 17,790 words were written for my
February Fornication Fest. And 25,615 words were written for
As a testament to how crazy the rest of the year has been, 40,000 of those words were posted before the end of February. I am actually in the process right now of creating a spreadsheet that should break out my goals for the year... in the end, it will be worthless, but it's fun. And vaguely mathy. And I'm a geek.
* * *
As mentioned previously, I'm doing
getyourwordsout in 2011, for 150k words.
In February, I'll hopefully be doing the February Fornication Fest again.
In March the Tentacle_fest, IF it's on the same schedule as last year. I'm flexible, we'll see.
In March, the Spring Fling (I believe this is at least the month in which I'll be writing if I participate).
In November, there is National Novel Writing Month.
I won't be doing
mmom, as I'll be back home visiting family for a solid week and that will kill my ability to participate fully. I may write something vaguely porny in honor, but that's... not going into my schedule.
All told,, 150,000 words is very reasonable for me to accomplish, with and without NaNo. My goal isn't just to write that amount, however, but to post that much during the year. We shall see.
* * *
Final, short note:
Here are my resolutions from last year. Please note that I have only achieved one of these things: Non-fannish #3.
Final final short note:
now with comment!fic