It's a good cause. Given that I know my flist, I know most everyone seeing this will know what
help_haiti is all about.
I have made two offers:
first is a fic-
I am offering: Fic, at a minimum of 2000 words. End offering will reflect size of the donation.
Smallville - Clex, DC fusions, any combination of Clark/Bruce/Lex
Digimon Adventure or '02 - slash, femslash, or het among any of the Chosen Children
Star Trek: Reboot - any gen or pairing, limited to: Kirk, Bones, Spock, Uhura, Chekov, Sulu, Scotty, Gaila, Pike
Star Trek: TOS - any gen or any permutation of Kirk/Spock/Bones pairings or threesome
second is short fiction-
I am offering: Fics of a range from 500-1000 words, or you can split up your words into five drabbles, several connected/unconnected haiku, pretty much whatever. Though I warn you, limericks are hard. Fic goes to the first five who bid, show proof of donation, and send along request.
Smallville - Clex, DC fusions, any combination of Clark/Bruce/Lex
Digimon Adventure or '02 - slash, femslash, or het among any of the Chosen Children
Harry Potter - Harry/Draco, Harry/Snape, Snape/Lupin, Neville/anyone (he needs more love)
Naruto - Gai/Kakashi, Lee Gaara, Kakashi/Iruka
Star Trek: Reboot - any gen or pairing, limited to: Kirk, Bones, Spock, Uhura, Chekov, Sulu, Scotty, Gaila, Pike
Star Trek: TOS - any gen or any permutation of Kirk/Spock/Bones pairings or threesome
* * *
ETA I thought about
getyourwordsout only afterwards, and I feel vaguely guilty about counting my offers (the stories themselves, once written). Thoughts?