
Apr 15, 2014 20:05

Boy, do I wish I could sit in a nice hot bubble bath like Ariel right now! I am super sore from yesterday's boxing, and my knees are still black and blue from the steetdance. Hahaha! I'm a mess. Morten's dad had actually moved today's dinner but neglected to tell me (even though I was the one coming to dinner!!), so I walked home and made that today's workout (4.5 km, about 50 mins). We'll reconvene Monday next week, hopefully I'll get my dinner then.

Just typing on the keyboard makes my wrists ache, so I don't really know why I'm posting an entry. Guess I just wanted to brag about how sore I am. My lower back and arms are also killing me - I've been trying to do some yoga poses (Yoga Journal has this great anatomical focus overview of poses), and they do alleviate, but only for a few moments.

The Jayhawks are playing in Oslo July 11! My favourite band, but unfortunately not the full line-up... I must admit the harmony between Mark Olson and Gary Louris is a big reason why I love the Jayhawks, so it's disappointing this is going to be without Olson. However, they've still made a lot of great music without him - it's just kind of a different band. More rock, less country.

Anywho, going to return to my lazy evening. Just realised I haven't filed my taxes yet, so that blows. It's always such a hassle, I put it off for weeks. DO NOT WANT.

Next workout: CrossTraining tomorrow
Current weight: 57.6 kg
Watching: Come Dine With Me
Last iTunes purchase: Jason Derulo - Talk Dirty

exercise, music, life

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