Weekly roundup, I guess.

Apr 13, 2014 17:50

Omghi! I've had a pretty stressful week, I haven't felt entirely like myself. Work has not been super productive - hoping for a better week next week. Which is only three days, because of Easter! Z+BB today helped a bit with the stress - it was wonderful as always, and the people there are just great. I felt strong and balanced, and I had my super awesome Native American tank top, which I don't usually wear to Zumba, but decided to this time.

StreetDance was weird, by the way! The instructor was seriously hip-hop, he wasn't your typical gym instructor, he just sort of went straight into the coreography with no introduction or explanation. He seemed very serious about feeling the music and didn't really spend a lot of time going through the steps, so I was quite bewildered most of the time. I tried my best, though, as always! My knees are covered in bruises, but I am always proud to have bruises after a dance class! The coreography was really cool, but I didn't have a chance in hell at dancing the whole thing - it all just went too fast. After the class, I went on the treadmill as I felt that I didn't really get a full workout from the class.

Anywho, why not do another workout schedule, since I'm all about those:

Monday: Box. Kind of dreading it, I don't know, I just get a little anxious. But it's great exercise, totally hard, and feels good. I'm just still not used to relating to another person all the way through a class instead of just looking out for myself. Selfishness, I guess.
Tuesday: No workout - going to Morten's dad's family for dinner. Haven't seem them in ages, so hopefully it will be nice. I always worry about missing a workout, but one needs rest days too, right?
Wednesday: CrossTraining. Going to try to leave work early to take a 4.30 class, then go home and dump my stuff - dinner at 8 at Revolver before going to the Big Latin Party, which was just sort of decided in a hurry because I thought it looked fun! Two of my friends, who don't know one another, are also going. We should probably get tickets beforehand, but there's just so much going on at the moment, I might forget about it. Hopefully we can still get tickets at the door if I do.
Thursday: Day off! Going to Pilates, then to my aunt's birthday party / Easter dinner.
Friday: Day off! Zumba. Not a super original choice, but I noticed my fav. is holding a class at 4pm, which is just too tempting.
Saturday: Hot MOJO
Sunday: Z+BB, standard procedure! Then my mum's Easter dinner.

Monday is also a holiday, so I'll see what I'll do then.

That became slightly more of a general schedule, but that doesn't matter.

I'm trying to plan how I'm going to work out while abroad - it's so easy to just let it slip, and in four weeks, your shape can really just drop like that. I'm planning which exercises I can actually manage to do in a hotel room or similar, if I have to. According to so-and-so fitness magazine, 2-3 workouts per week should be enough just to maintain, which I hope I'll manage to do. Other than that, we'll probably also stay active, like taking long hikes and such.

I'm noticing that my eating habits are getting worse - lots of candy, alcohol and processed food really are not helping me at the moment, I've just got so lazy. I was much better earlier on in the year, with salads for dinner and everything. Lately, I've been a lot more careless. I feel like I can see it on my body, so I must try to be better. Soon...promise!

Less than a month until I leave. Seeing Morten again will be wonderful!

travel, exercise, life, food

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