(one hundred fifty six) i tried not to think of the words searing or flesh

Sep 20, 2014 21:38

so i very nearly lost everything because my computer crashed and i hadn't backed up recently.
but then it turned out not to be the hard drive and everything wasn't gone.
obv i've backed up since then.

but here, have some icons that all would've been lost. BUT AREN'T.

multifandom vomit (42)
teen wolf (19)
arrow (10)
marvel comics [hawkeye, x23, all new xmen] (6)
captain america 2 (4)
assorted tv [btvs, leverage, spn] (3)

1 - 4

5 - 8

9 - 12

13 - 16

17 - 19

these are from an arrow battle i did with jadeleopard. you can view it over here!

20 - 23

24 - 27

28 - 29

30 - 33

34 - 35

36 - 39

40 - 42

character: abaddon, character: clint barton, character: jennifer blake, !icons, character: nyssa al ghul, tv: supernatural, tv: teen wolf, tv: buffy the vampire slayer, verse: dc, comics: hawkeye, character: jim sterling, character: malia tate, character: kali, comics: marvel, character: sara lance, character: bobbi morse, character: scott mccall, character: laurel lance, character: allison argent, verse: marvel, character: steve rogers, character: tommy merlyn, character: bucky barnes, tv: leverage, character: laura kinney, character: felicity smoak, tv: arrow, character: erica reyes, character: kira yukimura, comics: xmen, character: kate argent, character: stiles stilinski, character: anya jenkins, character: natasha romanoff, character: john diggle, character: lydia martin, comics: x23, character: peter hale, character: derek hale, character: braeden (tw)

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