(one hundred fifty five) a nice chianti

Aug 17, 2014 01:17

mix challenge entries! whoop whoop (58)
marvel comics (33)
nostalgia battle (10)
teen wolf (8)
assorted tv (7)


1 - 4

5 - 8

nostalgia battle @ gameofcards
angel the series, buffy the vampire slayer, farscape, the oc, veronica mars

9 - 12

13 - 16

17 - 18

assorted fandoms @ gameofcards
adventure time, harper's island, the l word, wildfire, batman

19 - 22

23 - 25

marvel comics from challenge @ gameofcards
avengers assemble, black widow (and a + x), captain marvel, guardians of the galaxy, hawkeye, ms marvel, thor, xmen (all new xmen, uncanny xmen, a + x), young avengers

26 - 29

30 - 33

34 - 37

38 - 41

42 - 45

46 - 49

50 - 53

54 - 57


character: illyana rasputin, tv: the oc, character: clint barton, !icons, tv: the l word, comm: gameofcards, tv: teen wolf, character: rogue, tv: buffy the vampire slayer, character: billy kaplan, comics: hawkeye, comics: ms marvel, tv: harper's island, tv: adventure time, tv: batman, comm: teenwolf_elite, character: emma frost, comics: avengers, comics: marvel, tv: angel the series, character: scott mccall, character: kate bishop, comics: young avengers, character: allison argent, character: thor (new), comics: black widow, verse: marvel, tv: veronica mars, character: kamala khan, character: kitty pryde, comics: guardians of the galaxy, comics: captain marvel, tv: wildfire, character: jessica drew, comics: xmen, character: natasha romanoff, character: lydia martin, tv: farscape, character: gamora, character: derek hale, character: braeden (tw)

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