by the way,
i worked last night and it was really lame as usual. something that stuck out to me was when and older man was like 'don't get old like me, because you won't be able to walk anymore.' i didn't know what to say because i felt really bad. well he forgot his hat in a booth and i went out and gave it to him and i think he said thank you in french. for some reason, i felt better after doing that.
after work joey came over. i dyed his hair BLACK. & i like it.
i got him 'upstyle' with the hose cuz i could. :) i can't wait till it gets a little warmer out and less humid. feeling all sticky is gross. i feel like shopping. i wanna do the beach this summer, fo sho'. and just hang out with all my friends and have lottsa F-U-N. i think i'm going to the i voted for kudos show thursday with HP? i don't know. i can't wait for school to end. & i love joey♥