Today was a better day, I suppoosee. My prediction is that this weekend will suck awfully though.. oh wait. I KNOW IT WILL. My work schedule is as follows:
Friday; 4:15 to 10
Saturday; 1 to 9:30
Sunday; 11:30 to 8
And ontop of the fact that I have to start filling out college applications, still FIGURING OUT where I want to apply to, doing college essays, planning on how I'll get my recommendations done, looking for a new job, writing 8 pages for Psychology that's due Monday, among other homework, while maintaining not only a socially but emotionally stable life.. I don't know... I honestly wish I could work at Target AND have atleast Saturday or Sunday all to myself, but I can't, even if I asked to. Which is why. I need to get away. ASAP.
My younger sister left for Boston with my Dad earlier tonight. They won't be back until Sunday. Then my mom and her drunk boyfriend leave for Vermont Saturday afternoon and don't come back until the next Saturday. Eh. I don't know. Vacation for myself as well, I suppose? I presume I'll be lonely.
The weekend after next is looking delightful though. Friday will start with school then I'll be heading for Boston for the night to see Adam with The Thrills. Adam Flaherty better be there this time! Or I'll weep.
I reaeaalllyy really really want to go to Bristol. To hang out with my new ever so darling friend Cassie. I still barely know her, but she seems way too cool already. Lovee love.
I need a change.
Noo, I need to change.
Everything about myself.
Everything except my eye color.
I wish.
P.S.: It really sucks not having a digital camera anymore. Boo.
P.S.S.: Don't you hate it?
P.S.S.S.: It = being scared of rejection.
P.S.S.S.S.: I lurve it.
My entries have become so random.
Good night, folks.