I hate it. You know. Just like tonight... I'll come home from being with friends, and my mind is completely freed of all stress and anger I left home with. And the second I step into this house, specifically being my mom's house. It all comes back, hitting me in the face like a big BANG -> KAPOOWWW -> WHAMMY. And it's because of the people I live with, sadly. I love them. But they don't understand that they need to just lay off and leave me alone! !! It's all misunderstanding. And as simple as it seems, it really fucks me up. I live with completely opposite people. I can't even think about what I'm typing right now, I'm sooo fucking irritated. I'm really fudged up you know. I hate it here. I hate me. Hellooo.. I need help. I wish I had someone to talk to about this too and not my goddamn LIVEJOURNAL. But noo.. it would seem that no one understands, and that's all I really need. Someone to understand. But I honestly rather not bother anyone. dfgkdmfkgm Everything's becoming bottled up. It comes to the point where when anyone seems to show any remorse or concern for whatever it is that ever seems to bother me, I can't say anything but cry. Honestly, there's me. Truuuee bluee.. sad as it is. I give up on trying to get along with these people I live with. I need to get away. But I feel sooo constrained.
And, on that note, I'm quitting Target this weekend -
if I find the guts to do so.
I'm so fucking miserable. Sooo fucking miserable.
I can't hide that fact anymore, kids.
I'm miserable.
Find a box and put me inside.
Okay? Please? Thanks.
Look. So sad.