Ah've been gettin' da impression dat joo all be rathah good people. Mons, and yes, especially joo, ladymons ♥, if ya evah be needin' any help mendin' wounds, ah be more den happy ta help
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[Commentlog]pimp_hatDecember 16 2008, 03:25:59 UTC
Aww, don't be jealous mon. I could take joo undah my wing. Teach joo da propah way to woo da ladymons. Den maybe joo'll be a stud like me. I doubt it dough.
[Commentlog]pimp_hatDecember 16 2008, 04:01:10 UTC
[Flexes his muscles] Joo bet joor ass I am. I be da cream of dah crop.
Joo gotta play it smooth mon, can't just go beatin' dem ovah da head wid some lame line. Joo gotta make dem tink dey be da only ting dat mattahs. A sly wink here. A couple complients dere. Maybe a drink or two and den BAM! Joo got dem hook, line, and sinkah.
[Kevas stops and thinks for a moment]
For joo dough, I'd start of gettin' dem drunk. Real drunk.
Okay den, you go ahead an' be tellin' me what ya know, mon. Go.
Joo gotta play it smooth mon, can't just go beatin' dem ovah da head wid some lame line. Joo gotta make dem tink dey be da only ting dat mattahs. A sly wink here. A couple complients dere. Maybe a drink or two and den BAM! Joo got dem hook, line, and sinkah.
[Kevas stops and thinks for a moment]
For joo dough, I'd start of gettin' dem drunk. Real drunk.
Fuck joo, mon.
Don't hate da playah mon, just hate da game.
Ah could probably be usin' one, too.
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