A Life As A Ghost [a Derek Hale fanmix]

Oct 21, 2012 16:51

Full album art, tracklistings, and download links under the cut.

So this past week I took part in a mini-fanmix meme where I took requests over on tumblr. I had a blast working with all sorts of fandoms and ended up filling a total of 11 requests, which I'll be cross-posting here over the next few days (I don't want to do it all at once since I'd feel guilty for clogging up your friendspage!)

Number seven of the mini-mixes is a Derek Hale mix requested by, um, anonymous!

I hope you enjoy the mix!

from my server
from sendspace

A Life As A Ghost
a Derek Hale fanmix

1. Modest Mouse - The Whale Song

And it’s not like there was warning
We were happy

2. Editors - A Life As A Ghost

Get out of this house now
Head for the horizon

3. Jeremy Warmsley - Jonathan & The Oak Tree

You walked in the woods alone
The knowledge bleeding
Whispered into the oldest tree
The only one who’d listen

4. Grizzly Bear - A Simple Answer

Move on
Let’s face that all you trust is a cynical phrase

5. Blind Pilot - Half Moon

It’s not hard to live like a ghost
I just haunt all that I’ve wanted
And leave what I don't

6. Moonface - The Way You Wish You Could Live In The Storm

Sometimes we live in the storm
Sometimes we hate everything

7. Mikky Ekko - We Must Be Killers

Children of the wild ones
Killers, where do we have left to run?

8. Sufjan Stevens- Versuvius

Follow your heart
Follow the flame
Or fall on the floor

from my server
from sendspace

If you would like a link to any of the individual tracks, just ask!

[view the mix on tumblr]
[view the mix on 8tracks]

And while you're here, please check out some of the other fandom-y things I've worked on:
more fanmixes + more things teen wolf

This Derek Hale fanmix was created for you with love by suchaprince.

music: blind pilot, music: mikky ekko, music: grizzly bear, music: modest mouse, music: moonface, music: jeremy warmsley, series/film: teen wolf, type: fanmix, character: derek hale, music: sufjan stevens, music: editors

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