This Distance & Solitude [a Sherlock/John Reichenbach fanmix]

Jan 17, 2012 04:53

Full album art, tracklistings, and download links under the cut.

After the episode yesterday I didn't really know what to do with myself so, um, this happened.

This mix is entirely made up of Patrick Wolf tracks. Partly because I occasionally like to challenge myself by sticking to certain musicians on mixes, but mostly because it just felt right. (The cover art is even based off Patrick Wolf's Brumalia EP because I'm just that ridiculous.)

As I said on my tumblr yesterday: "I have a lot of feelings right now and feelings always go hand-in-hand with Patrick Wolf."

I hope you all enjoy the mix.

from sendspace
from my server

This Distance & Solitude
a Sherlock/John Reichenbach fanmix

The Road So Far
1. Patrick Wolf - Prelude


2. Patrick Wolf - The Railway House [Live]

So wave goodbye to living alone
I think we've found our home

3. Patrick Wolf - Accident & Emergency [Live]

So come on, give me the worst and then again
I'm feeling braver than I've ever been

The Oncoming Storm
4. Patrick Wolf - This Weather

Under this weather, under this weather
Such shadows are blossoming

5. Patrick Wolf - William

And I showed you my ugly heart
Yet you did not surrender

6. Patrick Wolf - Don’t Say No [Instrumental Mix]


The Final Problem
7. Patrick Wolf - Kriespiel


8. Patrick Wolf - Count Of Casualty

I dare you
Log off, sign out
Delete your friends
Start to count your
Count of casual

9. Patrick Wolf - Peacock Skies


The Reichenbach Fall
10. Patrick Wolf - Wind In The Wires [Clifftop Demo]

Wind in the wires
Electricity, on the edge of a cliff
Moments of transcendence
Sweet and transitory
Here comes a rage
A crippling anger
Sea birds are blown
Into the rocks
Beauty and grace

11. Patrick Wolf - Jacobs Ladder

Jacob the ladder is falling down
Heaven is out of reach for us now

12. Patrick Wolf - The Sun Is Often Out [Alec Empire Original Demo Mix]

Life has blessed you with a gift boy
That you’ve gone and thrown away

The Empty House
13. Patrick Wolf - The Bachelor [Balalaika Mix]

Poor little turtle dove

Sitting up in pine
Mourning for your own true love
Why not me for mine?

14. Patrick Wolf - The Days

Well, I thought by chance
God had matched my soul
But time bought its traveling
This distance and solitude
And in that traveling, my self damaging
I took my love far, far from you

15. Patrick Wolf - Together [Acoustic Live]

And I can do this alone,
But we can do this so much better

The Return Home
16. Patrick Wolf - Armistice

If you'll be weak, then I'll be strong
When the night is long
Trust all the years you'll wait to find
This man, who's loved you your whole life
So come closer, closer to where we belong

from sendspace
from my server

If you would like a link to any of the individual tracks, just ask!

[view the mix on tumblr]

And while you're here, please check out some of the other fandom-y things I've worked on:
more fanmixes + more things sherlock
or come join us at 221b-fanmix

This Sherlock/John fanmix was created for you with love by suchaprince.

type: picspam, music: patrick wolf, pairing: sherlock/john, series/film: sherlock, character: sherlock holmes, character: john watson, type: fanmix, character: james moriarty

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