Skillet on the Stove, part 10/?

Jun 13, 2007 12:41

Title: Skillet on the Stove
Chapter: Ten
Authors: lvlysnidrus and pez_gurl
Fandom: RPS AU
Pairing: Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Rating: PG-13 this part. Overall NC-17
Summary: Jared is the son of the President of the United States, and Jensen is a member of the Secret Service. After several threats on the First Family, Jensen is assigned to protect a disgruntled Jared.
Warnings: Maybe a little bit of language
A/N: And now we return to the schmoop. And stuff. But mostly schmoop. This chapter's short, but we'll make up for it, promise!

Jensen smiled widely at Jared, holding his hand tight as he lifted his head for another kiss. "N'then we can watch Die Hard. I learned all my best moves from that one."

Jared grinned, kissing him back. "Mm, then we can watch Van Wilder...I learned all my best moves from that one..."

Jensen huffed out a short laugh, shaking his head. He was finally, finally getting out of the hospital tomorrow. And then he and Jared could just hang out at the White House and do nothing. Hopefully.

Jared grinned wider, resting a hand on his chest. "Can't wait 'till you're out..."

Jensen grinned back just as widely, pressing a soft kiss against Jared's jaw. "God, me either...I've never liked hospitals."

"I like 'um even less now..." Jared kissed his neck softly, smiling.

Jensen removed his hand from Jared's to run it through his hair slowly, still smiling widely. "M'such a girl," he murmured before kissing him again.

Jared smiled against his lips. " are."

Jensen pouted for a moment, fingers still tangled in Jared's hair, then almost jumped out of his skin when someone - who was definitely not Tommy or Mike - cleared their throat in the doorway.

Jared jumped too and looked over. "Oh...hi, Dad..."

Jerry raised an eyebrow. "Jared, will you excuse Agent Ackles and myself?"

Jensen's eyes widened a little and he pulled away from Jared quickly, wincing a little at the pain in his shoulder. He smiled slightly at Jared, trying to reassure him, but he was too nervous for it to be really convincing.

He knew Jared's dad - the president, for fuck's sake - already knew about...them. And that he'd even approved. So why did he want to talk to Jensen?

Jared bit his lip. "What's going on?" he asked.

"Jared. Out."

Jared studied him, but he didn't seem angry. "Okay..." He got up and walked out.

Jensen bit his lip nervously, watching Mr. Padalecki cautiously. "Um..."

Jerry stood next to the bed, studying him. "I trust Jared has told you about our talk."

Jensen nodded shortly. "Yes, sir, he did."

Jerry nodded as well. "I figured he would." He sat in Jared's chair. "Agent, right now I'm not talking to you as a boss or a President, you realise that, right?"

Jensen nodded, slower this time, his teeth digging into his bottom lip. "Yessir."

"I think you know my stance on"

Jensen's lips quirked, forming a wry smile. "Yeah..."

"Well. My professional stance, anyway." Jerry sighed. "But Jared...he's my son. I love him. And all that I want is for him to be happy."

Jensen relaxed a little at hearing that and his smile grew a little. " too, sir."

Jerry arched an eyebrow. "And if I hear that you've hurt him at all or forced him into anything, Ackles, you'll be sorry."

Jensen turned serious quickly. "I would never do that to Jared," he said firmly. Then he looked down, biting his lip again, which was probably about to bleed with all the abuse it was taking. "Never on purpose, anyways."

Jerry studied him. "I heard you were fighting with him before..." He gestured to Jensen's shoulder.

Jensen nodded. "We...this started last week...the day he got the last threat." He took a deep breath, staring down at his hands, which were folded in his lap. "But...I talked to Jeff shortly after, and...when I thought about it, I realized that it wasn't a good idea. So I broke it off."

Jerry nodded a little. "Because you were afraid for your job?"

Jensen's brow furrowed as he shook his head. "No...because I wasn't sure how you'd react, sir, everyone else would. Because whoever was threatening Jared might use our relationship against him - they already had with that note. I guess...I was a little worried about my job, yeah, but only because I wanted to be the one to protect Jared." He snorted. "And look how that turned out."

Jerry tilted his head. "Yeah, look how that turned out. My son is alive."

Jensen couldn't help the slow smile that spread across his face. "Yeah...yeah, he is."

"He's alive because of you. You did your job, Ackles."

Jensen looked at him curiously. Was Jared's dad giving him his blessing or something. "Thank you, sir," he finally said, unsure of what else to say.

"If this is going to continue, there will be ground rules."

"I wouldn't expect anything else, sir," Jensen replied with a small smile.

Jerry leaned forward. "First of all, the press doesn't know about this. I'd like to keep it that way."

Jensen's eyes widened slightly. "Of course."

Jerry nodded. "Second, no sex under my...well, the White House's roof. Not until he's eighteen."

Jensen blushed brightly, looking down. "Yessir," he said, his voice a little muffled.

Jerry tried not to smile. "Be discreet about it. You know what I mean. I'm reassigning you to him effective as soon as your shoulder heals, but I daresay that you two will be inseparable even when it's not, so."

Jensen managed to look back up, his cheeks still flushed. "Thank you, sir," he said again, honestly.

Jerry nodded and stood up again. "And of course, I reserve the right to change and add to and subtract from that list at my discretion..."

"Of course," Jensen said, grinning slightly. "You'll get no complaints from me, I can promise you that."

"Good." Jerry studied him again. "Feel better, Agent."

"Thanks again, sir," Jensen said, still smiling.

Jerry nodded at him, then walked out of the room. Jared walked back in after a moment. "What happened??"

Jensen shrugged. "He just said it was okay, as long as no one found out...and, uh, s'long as we didn't have the White House..'least till your birthday." And Jensen fully intended to enforce all rules.

Jared tilted his head, sitting on the bed. "Just at the White House?" He smiled a little.

Jensen grinned back widely. "Yeah, just at the White House..." He reached out and grabbed Jared's hand, squeezing gently. He looked out the window, even though the blinds were still drawn. "Dude, Mike and Tom have been actin' weird. What's up with them?"

Jared grinned. "They're like us without the issues," he said softly, laying down next to him.

Jensen wrapped his good arm around his shoulders, kissing the top of his head gently. "Go figure. They're perfect for each other."

"Frightening as that sounds." Jared kissed his chest softly.

Jensen laughed softly. "I bet it's even more frightening to witness." He carded his fingers through Jared's hair slowly, smiling down at him.

"I's kinda cute, actually..." Jared wrapped an arm around his waist, nuzzling him. "I can tell how much they like each other."

"Mm, gonna have to see that for myself." Jensen buried his face in Jared's hair, sighing. "Right now, m'ready to go to sleep again. Freakin' pain killers."

"Go ahead," Jared said softly. "I'ma stay layin' here, f'that's okay..."

"Of course," Jensen murmured, nuzzling into his hair and breathing deep. "S'more than okay..."

Jared smiled up at him. "Night," he murmured, and he closed his eyes and relaxed.

Jensen dozed off quickly, his good arm holding on to Jared tightly.

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