(no subject)

Jun 12, 2007 10:34

Title: Skillet on the Stove
Chapter: Nine
Authors: lvlysnidrus and pez_gurl
Fandom: RPS AU
Pairing: Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Rating: PG-13 this part. Overall NC-17
Summary: Jared is the son of the President of the United States, and Jensen is a member of the Secret Service. After several threats on the First Family, Jensen is assigned to protect a disgruntled Jared.
Warnings: Maybe a little bit of language, plenty of schmoop.
A/N: Gosh, this is gonna be more chapters than we thought! Thanks so much, everyone, for liking this as much as you do!

"No," Jared said softly, trying to jerk away.

Mike sighed. "Jared, you haven't eaten in days."

Tom crouched down in front of him. "Wasting away isn't going to help him, okay? It's just going to make what he did for you worthless."

Jared looked away from Tommy, biting his lip. "I don't wanna leave him..."

"It'll just be half an hour, tops, okay? We promise."

"Even less, since it's late and no one else is really there. Please, Jay?" Tom bit his lip, looking at him hopefully.

Jared bit his lip. "But...but what if he..."

"Jeff's gonna be watching him. If Jensen wakes up, he'll page me, okay?"

"Yeah, Jared..." Mike nudged him. "You've gotta try their burgers, man..."

Jared sighed, looking at Jensen. "I...fine, just...just fine..."

Tom wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him up from his chair. He bit his lip, then hugged Jared tightly. "It's gonna be okay, Jay, really."

Jared hugged him back, closing his eyes tightly. "I probably smell," he said hoarsely into his neck.

Tom laughed softly, nodding. "Yeah, just a little...s'okay, though, Mikey smells worse, and he just had a shower."

Mike pouted, and Jared smiled. "Yeah, well..."

Tom squeezed Jared tight before letting him go and stepping back. "Now c'mon, you great big girl. Let's go eat."

Jared flushed and nodded. "Yeah...okay." He followed them out with a last look back at Jensen.

Tom wrapped his arm around Jared's shoulders reassuringly as he led him to the elevators. "Have you slept at all?" he asked softly.

Jared shook his head. "Not really," he said softly. "I dozed off a couple times, but only maybe for half an hour..."

Tom sighed. "What am I gonna do with you, Jay?" He ruffled his hair gently as the elevator doors closed behind them.

"Feed me then let me go back to him?"

Tom rolled his eyes. "Yeah, that's what I was planning on doing." He pushed Jared away, shaking his head fondly.

Jared smiled a little, running a hand through his hair and making a face.

Tom raised an eyebrow. "It looks just as dirty as it feels. Just sayin'."

"Gross." Jared leaned against a wall. "M'not gonna do anything 'bout it until he wakes up..."

Tom nodded, not expecting any less. The doors opened pushed Jared out into the cafeteria gently. "Eat up, then, so you can go up and be emo some more."

"I can be emo and eat at the same time," Jared said. "S'called multitasking."

"You got skills, Jay," Tom said, laughing softly.

"Mad ones." Jared sighed, getting a tray piled with food.

Tom followed him closely, grabbing his own tray and getting a lot less food than Jared. He glanced over at Mike and smiled softly, finding them a table and sitting heavily.

Jared began to eat like there was no tomorrow as soon as he sat down.

Tom watched him. "Idiot," he said softly, shaking his head.

Jared pouted and Mike laughed.

"Give him a break, Tommy..."

Jared looked between them for a second, then went on eating.

Tom sat back in his seat, leaning towards Mike slightly. He took a bit of an apple, but set it back down, a little disgusted at Jared's eating.

Mike grinned, putting a hand on Tom's knee under the table.

Tom grinned back, covering Mike's hand with his own as he continued to watch Jared, still feeling disgusted.

Mike stole some fries off of Tom's plate, moving his hand higher slowly.

Tom shifted slightly, his legs spreading as he bit his lip, glancing over at him quickly, then back at Jared.

Mike ran his hand higher and further in between his legs.

Jared ate on, knowing exactly what they were doing.

Tom covered Mike's hand with his own, pressing it against the bulge in his jeans, biting his lip harder to hold back a moan.

Mike squeezed his hand slowly, stealing more fries.

Tom made a small sound in the back of his throat, arching a little into the touch.

"At least make it discreet," Jared said softly, grinning into his mashed potatoes.

Mike raised an eyebrow, squeezing tightly.

"Fuck," Tom breathed, squeezing his eyes shut. "God damn tease..."

"Only a little," Mike said, grinning at Jared.

Tom opened his eyes to glare at them both. "Bitches."

Jared laughed and went on eating.


Jensen's eyes snapped open with a gasp and he tried to sit up, but was his movement hampered by...an IV? And -

He looked around, forcing himself to calm. He was in the hospital, that much was obvious. His shoulder burned and he let out a pained whimper as he laid his head back down.

Jeff came in as soon as he'd seen movement in the room. "Jensen," he said softly. "You're awake."

Jensen opened his eyes again as he heard Jeff's voice. He tried to speak, but his voice came out as a tired, dry croak. Fuck, how long had he been out?

Jeff sat next to him. "You've been out for about two days. We've all been a bit worried about you."

Jensen blinked slowly. Two days? He sank back into the bed, squeezing his eyes shut tight. "Water?" he finally managed a few moments later. Then, "Jared?"

Jeff bit his lip. "Jared's fine," he said softly, filling a cup with some water and ice.

Jensen drank slowly, relaxing as he heard that, then set the empty cup down with a sigh. He bit his lip, looking over at Jeff slowly. "S'he here?" he whispered.

Jeff studied him, then nodded. "He's in the cafeteria with Rosenbaum and the VP's kid."

"Oh," Jensen said softly. He closed his eyes again, hurt that Jared wasn't with him. But then, what did he expect? He'd hurt Jared, that much was obvious. Why would Jared care enough to look over him?

"There anything you need, Jensen?" Jeff asked, tilting his head.

Jensen shook his head silently, staring up at the plain ceiling blankly.

Jeff nodded slowly, then pulled his cell out. "'scuse me, man, I told Rosenbaum I'd call him if you woke up."

Jensen nodded, closing his eyes and sighing softly.

Jeff walked outside of the room and dialed Mike, telling him.

Tom perked up as Mike's phone rang. "Think that's Jeff?" he asked quickly.

Mike pulled his phone out and looked at the ID. He nodded and answered it.

Jared watched him, biting his lip hard.

Tom waited anxiously, grabbing Mike's free hand and squeezing it tight.

Mike smiled a little when he hung up. "He's awake."

Jared bit his lip harder, leaning back. "I wasn't there," he said softly.

Tom sighed. "Jared...s'not like you knew he was going to wake up." He stood up quickly. "C'mon, let's go up and see him."

Jared pushed back the threatening tears and stood as well. "Okay," he said softly.

Tom wrapped an arm around his shoulders again, leading him over to the elevators, his thumb brushing over the back of his neck gently. "He's gonna be real happy to see you, man, trust me."

Jared bit his lip, looking down. "I hope so...can't believe I wasn't there..."

"Wasn't your fault," Tom assured him. "Just blame me and Mikey, okay?"

Jared hugged himself. "What if he doesn't want to see me?"

"Dude," Tom said, rolling his eyes and squeezing the back of his neck gently. "How could he not want to?"

"I'm the reason he got shot...the reason he's here...and I yelled at him..."

"He got shot trying to protect you, Jared," Tom said gently. "It's not your fault some psycho bitch was trying to kill you. And the yelling, well...you'll probably have to talk about that later, but for now, I'm sure he's just going to be glad that you're okay." The doors opened and Tom pulled Jared out and down towards Jensen's room before he could protest.

Jared kept hugging himself, sighing softly. "Just...fine..." He stood at the door, biting his lip.

Jensen heard voices outside the door and he lifted his head a little to see who it was.

The sight of Jared made him freeze completely, his breath catching in his throat. Jared was here. Jared was okay. He was safe and uninjured and Jensen could just cry from happiness. But he didn't, of course, 'cause that would be girly.

Instead, a ragged gasp escaped his throat and he tried to sit up too quickly, making pain shoot through his shoulder. He gasped again and sunk back down slowly, eyes squeezed shut.

Jared made a soft sound when Mike pushed him in, then watched with wide eyes when he closed the blinds on the window and the door. "Be good, boys," Mike said, grinning, then walked out and closed the door securely.

Jared watched the door for a few seconds, then looked at Jensen. "Hi," he said softly, looking down.

Jensen opened his eyes after a long moment, biting his lip. "Hey," he whispered hoarsely. He searched for something to say. "You're here," he finally said, blushing as it came out shocked and disbelieving.

Jared sat next to the bed, biting his lip. "Of course I'm here..."

Jensen turned his head slightly to look at him. "Why?" he asked softly. It was like he couldn't control his mouth, because he didn't really care why Jared was here, just that he was.

Jared exhaled, moving closer. "Why do you think?" he asked softly.

Jensen blinked at him, biting his lip. "I dunno," he said finally. He tried to shrug, but that just caused more pain to shoot through his shoulder and he let out another whimper, screwing his eyes shut.

Jared bit his lip, putting a hand on his arm. "Don't move, man...you lost a lot of blood, it's still healing..."

Jensen relaxed completely at the feel of Jared's hand on his arm, sighing softly and opening his eyes slightly. "Kay," he said, looking over at him. He hesitated for a moment, then lifted the arm on his good side and covered Jared's hand with his own.

Jared swallowed, turning his hand to lace their fingers together. "Thanks," he said softly.

Jensen squeezed his hand gently, smiling a little. "For what?" he asked.

"For saving me...saving my life..." Jared bit his lip, looking down. "I wish I'da been here when you woke up..."

Jensen blinked slowly, the words taking a moment to register. "Wasn't gonna let you just die," he said, frowning. Then he couldn't help but smile. "S'okay...you're here now." Something occurred to him. "Were you in here before?"

Jared blushed a little, looking down still. "Yeah...I've been here the whole time...this was the only time I wasn't, 'cause Mike and Tommy dragged me to get food..."

Jensen smiled wider, then his brow furrowed a little. "Jeff said I've been out for two days...you were here the whole time?"

Jared flushed and nodded. "S'why I smell funny..."

Jensen let out a soft laugh, nodding a little. "Yeah, but I can't imagine that I smell much better."

Jared smiled a little, then bit his lip. "I couldn't just leave," he said softly. "I couldn't."

Jensen squeezed his hand tightly. "M'glad you did," he whispered. "It means a lot that you did..."

Jared bit his lip, shifting closer. "Just...I...Jensen, I'm sorry...about that whole fight before..." He sighed. "About everything..."

Jensen tentatively lifted Jared's hand to his mouth, pressing a soft kiss to his knuckles. "S'okay...I was stupid too. I shouldn'ta said that you weren't worth it. It was wrong, Jay. So wrong." He closed his eyes for a moment. "You are worth it," he finally whispered. "You really are."

Jared's eyes fluttered a little when Jensen kissed his hand. "Jen..." he whispered, smiling widely.

Jensen smiled back just as wide, kissing his knuckles again. "I'm sorry," he murmured. "For bein' such an idiot."

Jared flushed a little, leaning forward so he was leaning on the bed. "We both were...I was pretty convinced that you wanted it to just be a one night thing..."

Jensen turned his head slightly, leaning forward and resting his forehead against Jared's temple. "Not at all," he said quietly. "I told you even before we started that this couldn't be a one night stand."

Jared sighed softly, closing his eyes. "Good," he said softly. "I'd kiss you, but your breath reeks..."

Jensen laughed softly, untangling his hand from Jared and grabbing his chin. "Too bad," he said, then kissed him softly, closing his eyes.

Jared made a soft sound, kissing him back and cupping his cheek slowly. Jensen's breath was horrible, and Jared was sure his wasn't any better, but god if this wasn't exactly what he'd needed for days.

Jensen pulled away after a moment, making a face, but his eyes shone happily. "You need to brush your teeth," he told Jared, then leaned in for another kiss.

Jared laughed, kissing him back. "Yeah, well, you do too."

Jensen laid his head back down, smiling lazily at him. "I missed you," he said softly.

"God, I missed you," Jared replied just as softly, brushing his thumb over Jensen's lips.

Jensen pressed a soft kiss against his thumb, his eyes slipping closed. "M'tired," he said sleepily.

Jared smiled. "Sleep, baby...I'ma shower and stuff..."

"Mkay," Jensen sighed, struggling to open his eyes one last time. "Will you be here next time I wake up?"

Jared smiled. "Promise. I'm not even leaving the hospital."

Jensen nodded, letting his eyes close again. "Good," he whispered, then slipped back into sleep.

Jared smiled widely, watching him for a few minutes. He then got up and kissed his forehead, closing his eyes. "Love you," he whispered, then he slipped out of the room.

Tom was waiting for Jared outside the room, his lips a little red and swollen, a lazy smile on his face. "He was okay, then?" he asked Jared, tilting his head and studying him.

Jared flushed a little, the big stupid grin still firmly fixed on his face. "He's great," he said softly.

Tom clapped him on the shoulder, laughing openly. "I bet he was." He grinned over at Mike, who looked just as disheveled as he did.

Jared flushed. "Nothing happened like that, Tommy..."

Mike grinned, clapping a hand on Tommy's shoulder. "Why not?"

Jared raised an eyebrow. "Because he's in the hospital?"

Tom thought about this for a moment. "True, true." He shrugged. "But you talked, right? And everything's good?"

Jared nodded. "We talked a little...kissed a little...he had really bad breath, but..."

Tom laughed again, grinning widely. "Good, Jay...that's real good." He ruffled his hair gently, glancing over at Mike.

Mike grinned slightly at him.

Jared smiled at them. "So...you two?"

Tom nodded, his smile growing wider. "Yeah, looks like..."

Jared bit his lip, still smiling. "S'awesome," he said softly.

"M'glad you think so," Tom said, wrapping an arm around his shoulders tightly. "And I'm really glad things are working out with Jensen."

Jared leaned into his embrace, sighing softly. "I am too...more'n anything."

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