AHHH THAT WAS SO GREAT. What a joyous two-parter intro to this series, which I feel very excited about.
+ Clara and Missy teaming up to save the Doctor is the stuff that dreams are made of. Enemies working together for a common good is one of my favourite tropes and it's beautifully utilised here. I loved Missy trying to get Clara engaged in working out how they survived, and all the stuff with putting her inside a Dalek.
+ And the Doctor and Davros having long, philosophical conversations is not something that I knew I wanted but actually it was great! Also there were JOKES. "The only other chair on Skaro" and "then you're not a very good doctor" both had me laughing really a lot.
+ Super into the Gallifrey arc coming back as well as this stuff about hybrids - the hybrid is Clara, I do believe, and that will be the best. Crossing all appendages that
purplefringe et al's theory about Clara leaving the show to go live on Gallifrey in some capacity.
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