Doctor Who 9x01

Sep 19, 2015 23:16

My show is back! Hi show!

+ Having Kate and Missy and Clara working together (kind of) in a single episode is an embarrassment of riches. Complicated lady relationships yesssss.

+ Every single thing about Missy tbh. She's perfect, Michelle Gomez is perfect, the best enemies forever stuff is perfect, I love it so much.

+ It's wonderful to have Clara back, especially with the cute short hair. And I don't want to get my hopes up too much, but was the reference to kissing Jane Austen a hint that bisexual Clara is back on the cards?! In any case, I love her, I loved her showdown with Missy, her understanding of the Doctor, and everything she chooses to be.

+ All the mytharc stuff here super worked for me. I was genuinely taken aback by the Davros reveal at the beginning, and then giving the Doctor a plot that's happened before (avoiding his own death) in a situation full of references to past stories was a great way to bring me right back into the show and get excited for what's next. "I wore a bow tie yesterday, a long scarf the day before. It's my party and all of me's invited." Audio from Genesis of the Daleks, the Master, Davros, Skaro, the Shadow Proclamation, just throw in fucking everything. It's beautiful.

+ The Doctor had zero chill this episode, which is how I like him really. All his Clara feels - that hug! - and all his complicated Missy feels and Davros feels and there was just a lot going on and I loved all of it.


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fandom: doctor who: episode reactions

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