Let it never be said I do not leap upon bandwagons. (How do you think I got into any of my fandoms in the first place?)
I would not be writing fiction at all were it not for the help and enthusiasm I received from the people who read my decidedly mediocre fanfic in my early days of fandom. I remain enormously grateful to those kind souls to this day, especially as some of them continue to put up with me now. *g*
Fandom has given me such a lot that the idea of expecting anything back from all of you is entirely bizarre. I post things because I hope that someone might find the content interesting, or happy-making, or enjoyable in any sense. If they take the time to hit reply and tell me so, that is a welcome and added bonus, and I'd hate to think that anyone ever felt obligated to drop me a single line. I'm thrilled to hear from anyone at any time, but I post in hope, not expectation.
I'm consistently delighted and honoured by the notion that someone would like to read my stories, or to link them to their friends, or to add me to their friendslist, and so on. I'm as pleased by my lurkers as I am by my serial commenters -- the fact that anyone might find something they like in the course of stopping by is the entirety of the reason why I'm here and posting in a public setting. I want to share, and to interact, not to receive. The span of people's lives and habits is far too diverse and complicated for me to impose any sort of standard or demand on any of you, and so all of the time that you give me, in any capacity, is much loved.