Beatle fans

Aug 17, 2008 00:33

I was just looking for the beatles, beatle fans and all that in google, and I discovered that most of them feel pretty much alike.
The most common things they say/think:

*I feel more mature than the rest of the people of my age I know
*I dont like new music, never liked it, I just like the beatles and some other oldies
*I dont think I am normal, beacause I feel all this things, do you think am a weirdo?
*I love Paul McCartney, or at first i loved him coz its pretty face
*Nobody understands me! I am alone in this world

Aghh! I read a lot of profiles that said pretty much the same, I wanted to contact those people, to let 'em know they wasnt all alone and that. But due that they were in different web pages, communities and all I couldnt contact any of 'em, and now I feel frustrated. HA!!

Actually, at first my profile said pretty much the same (it still does) just as a lot of people.  Just now that I think of it I realise am not the only one (that sounded like a song lyric xD), its funny to think about it, I know some people, by msn, but they are other kind of fans (yeah, I have just a few that i really enjoy talking with), theyre all like "paul is cute, NO THEY ARE NOT GAYS! NOR QUEERS, coz i fancy paul, he is my man *sigh* oh! and johnny, he wasnt bi nor anything, coz he is too handsome for that..." That kind of, like...little giggling *squee* fangirls xD not so...mature (in a lack of better word!) to look at them in a different way.

I dont like them, theyre silly...but anyway..

I would really love to have more people to talk with, that think just as me, that dont just stop listening if you say something they dont believe is true, minded people. I CANT FIND ANYONE! HAH!


you all that are beatle fans now, how you feel themselves when you just meet them? did you feel like nobody liked you coz of that, you feel that you didnt fited anywhere and was alone in the world? I felt it, until I meet all of you wonderful guys!

D'aww, that was the cutest thing Ive ever said...

Oh and, other thing that bother me while meeting more fans, is that we have all accounts in different sites (AOL, yahoo, msn, etc..) so we cant comunicate properly! >,<

Anyway, my point is that I see that a lot of beatle fans feel pretty much alike, I think its quite odd XD


P.S: John/Paul for ever <3

the beatles

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