Movie Magic

Jul 24, 2015 17:25

A few years ago, shammymacc and I walked out of the movie theatre after seeing Magic Mike. Our assessment was identical... most appauling piece of movie making we had seen in a very long while. They tried to make one of those hero-overcomes-great-adversity type stories, but it fell flat in every single way. And despite seeing the delectable Matt Bomer shirtless and strutting his stuff, there was far too little of that to redeem the film in any way.  I actually felt like I had wasted my money, which is unusual for me, an avid movie fan.

Fast forward to yesterday...

With extremely low expectations we set off again to watch Magic Mike XXL (the only draw was the hope of seeing a little more Matt Bomer). This time they threw all notion of story out the window, and clearly they set out to create a movie that was fun and nothing else. Well they achieved that and then some.There was eye candy everywhere and so many laughs, I had tears in my eyes. Most of the men were not my type (hyper muscley), but that didn't matter because it wasn't really about the sexuality, it was about the joy and entertainment value of the performance. Judging from everyone in our theatre, I think they achieved their goal.

So Magic Mike really redeemed itself, and this time I think I got more than my money's worth. I'm calling us even, Magic Mike, and thanks so much for an awesome night out!


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