Another show bites the dust and life goes on...

Apr 02, 2015 11:28

Glee has ended, and at least I can say the ending was satisfying (for me). Glee has been hit and miss for several years, and season 6 was more miss than hit, but they at least wrapped the season with a great look at where they have been, where they are, and where they will end up. The final episode was a celebration of Glee, and as a fan, I was happy. That's really saying something, because I half expected to be left screaming in the gutter with yet another kick in the gut from this show that has pulled too many punches over the years.

So Glee now joins the ranks of "shows I have loved and lost" right along side Queer as Folk and The Office. The sad thing is, this time I don't have anything to take its place. I need a good ensemble show with a huge heart to send all the energy I reserve for fangirling.

It's been an interesting year so far in my household. Miss 17 is in her final year of highschool and boy are there stresses associated with that. Fights abound over homework and attitude. I have no idea how to motivate her to learn, and to put in more than the minimum effort. Socially though, she's in a good place with lots of friends, and she seems to be well over the heartbreak of her first great love.

My husband has been sick since mid January - it's wearing him down. He did apply for a job though (his current one which has been temporary for the past 6 years) and was successful! It's great to finally have the security of permanency. We're both looking forward to our NYC holiday in 18 days. We haven't had a holiday alone together since our honeymoon 16 years ago.

Miss 14 is happy in her own little world (you tube, gaming, books). She recently made the drastic decision to cut all of her long blonde tresses. True to the cliches of women making big hair changes to coincide with big life decisions, she chose that day to also come out to us. The news was greeted with an rather non-reactionary "Oh! Okay" from hubby and I, and the wider family are taking it in their stride. I've spoken about it with her in more depth since and though it was a fairly recent revelation, she has probably been aware that she was a little different for about 3 years. With sexual fluidity far more accepted amongst kids her age, it took a while to find where she fit. She's a fairly well adjusted gay teen, and I hope that continues.

Whilst I'm away in NYC, my Mum is coming to stay with the kids. That means I need a clean organised house! Guess what I'll be doing with this Easter long weekend!
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