Cory Monteith

Jul 16, 2013 16:05

Those who know me well will know I'm a hard core Gleek, and like most in my fandom I was shocked and saddened by the death of Cory Monteith. Though Finn has never been my favorite character (far from it), I had warmed to Cory in recent years as he continued to take me by surprise with his talent, both in music and in acting.

It took me a while to see that the writing and character Cory had to work with were limiting, and did not show off his true talents. But occasionally, when Finn would sing something that wasn't all Rock & Roll, or when Cory was handed a script that required subtlety and tenderness, there were moments of brilliance. These are the surprising and breathtaking moments I will remember him for, and that I know I will miss in future episodes of Glee.

Here are my favourites

Singing "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun", for Santana.

Breaking out the jazzy tones with sweet perfection for "I Gotta Be Me"

And the one scene where he finally made me believe in a relationship that had I had never been behind. So sad that this is the end for these two, both on and off screen. I thought they had what it took to make it.

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