(no subject)

May 28, 2011 22:57

Hallo Internets

Today, on the parenting front: Sam mastered the word "NO" wonderfully, by sitting down in the middle of the odd lots and screaming "NONONONONONONO" when mom tried to put her in the cart. She also pretended to kiss me and bit my lip. Currently, she is giving a passionate argument at volume that it is not, in fact, bedtime, because she doesn't feel tired at all. However, I saw the yawns and believe she is mistaken.

Today, on the family front: everyone wanted to talk to me. Which would be fine, if by "talk to me" they didn't mean "do me this favor that will force you to drive all over the green earth". However, everyone was suitably grateful, and a few were even really interested in talking to me.

On the personal front: DON'T FORGET HODDY'S BIRTHDAY, DAMMIT. Also please remember to actually journal your food today, dummy.

I remain convinced I could do quite a lot with a million dollars, so I am continuing my prayer to any god currently listening for the winning lottery numbers. Any time now [deity].
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