(no subject)

May 22, 2011 15:17

Hello internets!

I am home today recovering from an excess in family time, but things are going fairly well. Had antioch based nightmare last night so I didn't sleep so well, but am otherwise fine. Trying to be reasonably productive today.

My goals today are:
-Prepare meals for next couple of days
-pick up the living room again
=Clear the counters again
-Round up one more box to purge from the house... I have 6 so far but I can very likely fill more. I'd like to get rid of things that are not wearable anymore but have not had a chance to do a much needed closet purge. This should be done this week though.
-2 loads of laundry
-atticify the crib rails that came off when sam transfered to a big girl bed

NOTE TO SELF (and hil) have Hilary make sure of the days yard sales happen in MS... I worry it's different there than here.
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