(no subject)

Mar 19, 2011 13:47

Am reading Batman ff. Enjoying the goofy decadence of ff in a universe that rewrites itself so often nothing and everything is canon.

Also have come to some conclusions:

I should really catch up on my DC stuff, I'm ashamed of not knowing what's up in the superhero universes since about 7 years ago.

Alfred is possibly one of the most fail at guardian-ing ever. For serious, he not only didn't notice the kid have a psychotic break and start identifying with an internal batvoice, but encouraged said kid to start running around the town in kevlar and tights. And then encourages said grown up former kid to recruit other tweens to do the same, but in pixie boots and armoured panties. That's some messed up shit.

I'm shocked that the commonest Sue in these seems to be the super-sue. If I were to self insert or sue it would definitely be the BATCLINICALPSYCHOLOGIST.

In other news, since getting better access to interwebs again, my housekeeping has deteriorated, and I will have to start behaving like a grown up again in a few day.
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