Hi everybody! I had a really really super day today. I went over to Ian's house around 2. We kinda promised each other that we wouldn't fool around today, for the sake of romanticism. And it worked to a certain extent. For the first couple of hours it was us being desperately horny just because we were there with each other and we couldn't do anything, and then we kinda gave up and started doing some monkey business (teehee, I said monkey business), but then we stopped and the romanticness of the holiday was saved. Sorta. And then we went out to dinner to Salsa Salsa (not the one in PJ, the other one) and it was super yummy (people so can't put like baskets of chips in front of me cuz I always feel compelled to leave none of them left). And then we came home and watched Blazing Saddles and cuddled somewhat in one not-big-enough-for-the-two-of-us recliner. And we just had an all around romantic kissy/cuddly lovey happy happy day. And our one year anniversary is coming up on Thursday which is really great and incredible and I really really love him so much and I can't wait till our next one :) And stuff. And I'm sorry to everyone who had a bad Valentine's Day, but I love you, so it's OK!
So it's off to Maui tomorrow. I'm going to miss Ian like A TON on our anniversary, but I get to call him so it's not that unbearable. But I hope everyone's not shocked when I come back looking different. Ew. I hate the sun. And stuff. But Maui-so great! I can't wait at all. I'll take tons of pics and post them somewhere when I get back. WEEEEEE!!!!
And BTW, why the heck am I Jordan Catalano? If anyone has seen MSCL you'll know what I'm talking about.
Which My So-Called Life Character Are You? Find out @
She's CraftyWho knew?
So anyway, Kristin I'll call you sometime. And Ian I'll call you sometime. And I love you sooooooo much. I'll miss you tons :( And happy Valentine's everyone. Love!