Everyone loves a happy ending...

Oct 28, 2004 12:25

As usual, here is a posting with a haphazard start with poor syntax and long winded statements. I could be a better writer, I really just don’t care to. No one but Anamander (my invisible rabbit friend, he carries a pocket watch and speaks in an effeminate English accent) ever reads this shit, so the writing style is a bit moot, wouldn't you agree? Well on with the show...

I gave fair warning in my initial livejournal post about what some of my posts may progress/regress to. Well, it has come to the point of being what may be an empty suicide threat. I honestly believe that, if George W. Bush gets re-elected, I will either end up in a mental institution or kill myself. And please note I'm not invoking oneof the mamby pampy baby reasons to kill myself (e.g. "Boo hoo I didn't get what I think I deserve" or "Look at me, I’m so misunderstood and downtrodden"). Nope, instead it will be because I have lost all faith in humanity as well as any hope that I one day my have some ability to affect it.

Why should I even fucking try when the American populace, so called leaders of the free world, are willing to elect someone who openly supports bigotry and the stagnation of rational thought? Don't get me wrong, John F. Kerry is no prize pig, but at least he believes in open discourse and keeping you personal beliefs PERSONAL!!!!

Fine, lets say that the modern interpretation of Christianity is the one true faith and that god hates both abortion and homosexuals. Why not reveal in the fact that we are helping bring on your beloved end days? We (read liberals: i.e. people who believe that others should mind their own god damn business) are helping you meet up with the old J-man while others will be able to create a utopia once the anti-Christ is defeated! Why wouldn't you want to hurry this progress the fuck up, especially with how much of a shit hole this planet has become as a direct result of "those who were cast in god's image". Seriously, you can bury me upside down and piss on my grave for all I care, just shut the fuck up!

If your faith and your God are so strong, why do you care what the pissant intellectuals do? Lets me drink and snort/shoot up whatever I want! I damn near have to just to be able to survive day to day life in this horror show mad house you call a country. I’ll end up being a burden on society? Fuck you! Your society is a burden on me! Let's spilt the difference. Since you seem to control the majority of unapathtic voters we'll let you run state, just leave me the fuck alone. Since many of you believe that life is so god damn precious, let me sit back and dull as much of the madness as possible, seriously, it is the least you can do. Just lock me up, give me three squares a day, and enough heroin to ride on until my early death. Monty fucking Hall could not give you a better fucking deal!

I really have a lot more on my mind, but that is just a little glimpse of the madness I’ve been ruminating over lately. I’ll probably write a more coherent post later. There were many things that led to my current state of ill repose, but the final straw was something silly.. The Middletown journal. I got a letter published in the opinion page (not because I care, but simply because I wanted to prove to my father how easy it was to get published), which ended up thoroughly butchered. They cut pieces here and there and even removed the pervious sentence's period when they removed a section. The end product came out sounding like a mildly militant Libertarian, which I am partly, but I digress. What really cheesed me was that I asked my dad why he thought they chopped it up (I thought it was simply because it was too long). He replied that I used too many big words and that I talked over the reader. I asked him for an example. His response... Use of the term "Theocracy"...

Bitterly yours,
The Suburban Scourge

And all your love will shine on everyone...
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