the day i've been waiting for - 2 weeks off on Spring Break- for awhile now has come at long last. i still have my night classes but whatever. no work for two weeks yayness! :D it'd be even better if it didnt also mark the start of Val's hell month. or if Aline's back from Perth. or if CY isnt stuck in confinement. or if the boys didnt have to serve NS. or if i already had a place in the faculty of Psychology in NTU. but ah well. im on my break and im going to enjoy it. [:
so Friday, i went off work early to meet Val, to meet Bryan and Amar at Boon Lay before heading to Pasir Laba camp for Sergeant Zerling's parade thingabob. coincidentally enough, Aline's brother was there too so we said hi to Aline's parents. small world. lol. bumped into Yong Liang too! [: havent seen my TPJC mates in a longggg while. (N) at the end of everything we tried to get a cab but god, it took forever. by the time we got to Zerling's place i was dead tired already. blahblahblah we ended up having dinner/ supper at HK Cafe cause the boys were nice enough to come all the way to the east <3 before rotting at the playground under Val's place.
caught World Invasion: Battle of Los Angeles with the boys yesterday before meeting the Val and Sher for dinner. all the bombing and gun shots and explosions and metal flying in every direction boom! i love. haha went up to the rooftop of OC for a bit before heading back. Sher Val and i ended up at Mcdonald's for my Honey Chipotle Shaker fries! :DDD
seeing the girls, including Charmaine [havent seen her in way too long!] for dinner/ to hang out at DTE in the evening. cant wait to catch up! :D i need to meet Sity and a ton of other people too this two weeks! <3
my Shakespeare hates your emo poems shirt that ive been searching high and low for months now. i just saw Olivia in it. the excuse given? she found it in her closet and wore it thinking no one wants it. fuck. she knows it's mine la. i walked away speechless. obviously without her getting the hint that im upset and was wishing she'd just change out of it, put it in the wash and not take it without permission again.