sorry ive been a bit lazy with keeping my livejournal, tumblr, blogspot active lately. but of course, nobody even bothers with them so i guess it's no biggie. nonetheless, this might be a huge update post on Marina Bay Sands, Aline's little visit back home, work, the start of my Diploma, dance and more. are you anticipating it? i doubt so.
i have nothing much to say about the short stay at MBS. their service still isnt up to par for me. it's ridiculous how they said that it takes them on average of 20-30 minutes to deliver 3 sets of cutlery and some ice to the room. and instead of ice, we got 3 glasses of cold water. -.- it was great wading around the infinity pool but i bet it wouldnt beat the infinity pools that overlooks the ocean. mother nature > man-made city views anytime. [: but whatever, it's the company that matters! spent the time dancing around the room and HTHT-ing with Val and Charmaine. <3 a pity Aline and Shermaine wasnt around. (N)
dark clouds making their way over. pretty sight.
[pictures will come soon. photobucket's taking foreverrrr]
Aline also paid our little island a visit this past week! because Val has school and i have work, we've been meeting up in the afternoons for a bit and then at night for supper. the best part was that our dearest Charmaine drove us around so it was super convenient. (Y) somehow that made hanging out even more fun than it normally is. {: the first night, we decided to drive out to have Ah Chew dessert. idk how we did it but it took us a whole hour and a half to get there!!! (Y) we drove round to Braddel Road, Little India, Serangoon and godknowswhere till we were lucky enough to meet a traffic police who brought us round the right way. and we still had a bit of a trouble then. lol. thank god for iphones! :D
the second night, we had to drive to pick Val up from SAM and we got lost, again. haha. she ended up walking over to PS to find us anyway. and then idk what happened from then till we reached Bedok 85 for supper cause i was wayyyy tired from the late nights and early mornings at work. had stingray, sugar cane drink and oyster omelette. bestttt. (Y) and because my tired self usually starts acting really weird, i managed to blurt out "SU-JA-THAAAA" in this screechy voice that went a whole pitch higher with each syllable. and in case youre wondering, yes i very well embarrassed myself in front of a whole crowd of diners. (Y) but whatever. i love spending time and being myself with my girlies. <3
work at ISS have been pretty fun. it's tiring having to get up at 6am again every morning, or 5am if my dad isnt fetching me to work. but it doesnt really matter how sleepy i am in the car or on the train nodding off to sleep because when the kids come bursting through the doors, they bring with them a whole bubble of energy that lasts me throughout the day yknow. it makes me smile. [: i mean, im a total clean freak and having to sit on the dirty carpet and having to clean up after the kids' mess can be a bit of a challenge to me tbh. but when i see these 3 year olds smile their sweet smiles when they come to cuddle/ sit beside me or hold my hand, everything's just worthwhile i guess. {: but then of course, i see my grade 2s around and when they run into me with a hug, i cant help but feel so much closer to them. kids. {:
i also just started my first lesson for my Diploma in Counseling Psychology. it stinks that while im having fun, hoping and keeping faith that it might boost my re-application into uni next year, Crystal's going on about how she doesnt think it'd help and that i shoudnt risk applying for Psych again next year. eurgh. 어떻게!?! anyway, it seems like the Diploma would be fun. more self-discovery in store in sure of that. an idk to anticipate or dread our little 'counseling sessions' with our supervisors that's to come where we'd supposedly and hopefully be able to leave whatever emotional baggage we have behind.
and well, LA/ Lyrical Hip Hop with Zaihar officially ended yesterday. honestly, i do feel like i've improved in my musicality. but there's still a whole world of dance waiting for me to explore and i cannot wait to discover what's out there. i have plans to complete almost every course that O School has to offer. but right now, im still deciding on BGirl at Recognize [if Val joins with me!] and Popping with my LA course-mates. despite the little communication going on with them being more chinese-speaking, they're a pretty cool bunch to hang around with and im excited to start dancing with them every Friday, learning from each other, growing as dancers. :D
so there you go. an update. till next time, peace. (Y)