i hate typing this out in black and white but, i am officially unwanted by all 3 local Universities in Singapore. it keeeels me okay. this means im going to have to attend a private Uni here which equates to being potentially labeled as a failure AND further burdening my parents with crazy amount of school fees. the best thing? even with all these shite, my degree might not even be recognized in Singapore. FML.
just yesterday, i thought after talking it through with the girls, i was even looking forward to going to JCU to study Psychology. i'd wanted to go there to make friends from like, everywhere. i'd managed to brush aside all my unhappiness and bitter regret about missing out on hall life in NTU, being unable to join cheer-leading, being roomies with Kim..
waking up this morning, my cousin spoke to me through facebook chat, asking about my Uni plans and all. apparently, im going to have to the my last semester at James Cook Australia, or my degree wont be recognized in Singapore. for just a split second, i had thoughts about joining Shermaine and Aline there. i google-mapped, and realised i'd be all the way in Cairns near the Great Barrier Reef while they're all the way at Western Aussie. HOW.
then, i proceeded to look for feedback about JCU at online forums, NOTHING GOOD about them okay. NOTHING. and the kids there, not exactly international. it's flooded by asians. i think even SIM's more recognized than JCU la omg. and if i go to SIM, i can take the Bachelor's degree in Psychology WITH Sociology. better for me right? ARGH HOW HOW HOW.
student loans, family financial status, degree going unrecognized after 4 years, traveling to upper thomson rd every fucking day, missing out on hostel life, leaving Kim alone in NTU, and a million other worries/ concerns.
i need to stop being a pussy and stop whining right. =/