*looks around, uneasily*

Jul 29, 2009 19:15

So, I should be studying more. But I just pulled a 10-hour stint of it - well, with an hour for lunch/walk - and I needed a break.

Here's a drabble that I wrote for the Labyfic community.

Prompt: "Spoiled"


The answering machine -clicked-
Sarah heard cheers, and her father's voice: “Hope you’re feeling better! Put champagne in that OJ, and … wait -”

“You’re not real,” she whispered.

His quiet laugh floated down from the top of the stairs.

“Three, two, one - Happy New Year!” she heard, but then the machine crackled and went silent.

Sarah shut her eyes, shivering on the couch. It’s the fever. I’m sick. He’s not real, not -

“Should auld acquaintance be forgot,” Jareth crooned, from the bottom of the stairs. “Open your eyes, Sarah ...”

A pause, a -swish-

“Or don’t.” His breath burned her lips. “Why spoil the surprise, after all?”


100 words , and I *almost* squeaked in under the limit, this time.

Here's something disconcerting that just happened. I got a review for the one unfinished fic I have up on ff.net. It was anonymous, which I really don't mind ... but it was signed with my name. My real-life name.

I suppose I'm one paranoid person, 'cause I deleted it right away. I hope it's just a coincidence, though. What do you think?

fanfiction, emo?, real life

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