Feb 24, 2021 11:30
I used to be scared of crossing the street.
I used to be scared of leaving my apartment for brief periods of time, for the tiniest risk of an inconvenience like getting stuck in the lift.
I used to be afraid of walking outside in the dark. Accompanying a friend to her car parked outside my building at 2am.
I stayed in an unhappy relationship because I didn’t want to lose free meals and his Netflix password.
I never wanted to work hard or find out what I wanted to work hard for.
My biggest fear is opening up to my parents in case I cross some invisible line and never stop crying.
I need you to love me.
I am a very fucked up person.
My brain has completely run out of ideas.
Desire is suffering. I’ve chosen to suffer until I can have you.
I want you proportionately to how much I can’t have you.
Which is to say, my addiction is self-perpetuating.
If you loved me, you wouldn’t leave me confused.
Whatever you do, don’t fucking do it for me.