Dear Yuletide Author

Nov 18, 2011 15:15

Well, thanks! First of all. Because Yuletide is my favourite time of year. I love the smallest fandoms most of all, and I'm always excited for new content. Even though my request strategy is always haphazard. So, fyi, this year I went with a theme. Unlikeable dudes in comedy. Maybe you like unlikeable dudes as much as I do? Even better, maybe you dislike unlikeable dudes as much as I do! That would be thrilling. Because the reasons I'm interested in these three are pretty clear: they are dicks. Dicks who manage to bang a lot of ladies. They are sometimes charming, always self-serving, unfortunately attractive (proof that the world is cruel?), and almost entirely transparent, yet women seem to overcome their intellectual revulsion & emotional self-preservation systems in order to ... I don't know. I don't know what it is. I am kind of hoping whatever story you choose to write, you'll tell me.

I'm into stories that reveal the small things that are so goddamn obvious in retrospect, but are never quite explained in canon. I like stories that tear open the seams a little, but neatly. I like something that turns an idea over and over, grinding down the roughest edges to something smooth and comforting. I don't care that much about getting the tone of the comedy right: we aren't screenwriters, we don't have Will Arnett's delivery available to us. We do have other tools, though, and it's the opening-up of the character that excites me.

When it comes to relationships and/or sex: I'm interested in gender roles, power struggles, women who know what they want, men who provide it, negotiation, uncertainty, flirting, insecurity. Oh, and choking. That's always on the table.

And all that said, although all of these requests are presumed het/gen, if you want to write me some slash, I AM SO COOL WITH THAT, OK. Throw all of this out if you'd rather right some m/m blowjobs. Done fucking deal.

Arrested Development; GOB Bluth

Tbqh, I like that he's always talking about the sex workers he sees. He calls them escorts, call girls, whores, and occasionally there's the odd stripper. By the end of the third season we see what he actually does with these women (cry, obvs). But given that all he ever does in the series is try really hard to please his brother & father, I'd like to see how that translates when he's in a situation where he doesn't HAVE to try. Trying is almost off the table, although no doubt he would anyway. If you'd like to write about Nellie, that would be definitely the greatest in my books. And if you'd like to avoid the whole sex worker angle and just talk about what the fuck is going on with him, that would be A+, too.

The Guild; Fawkes(& also Codex)

Anything you do with these two would be great. I like it best when Fawkes steps out of his self-constructed role of General All-Round Fucking Asshole. For whatever reason. Curiousity, shock, shame. Shame especially? But I like that he is still also ultimately his awful self. As for Codex, her total self-delusion on that front is so absolutely sympathetic to me, and the points at which she seems to actually believe he is a relationship prospect interest me a lot. Idk, is this some sort of humiliation kink? God. I hope not. Like I say: ANYTHING YOU WRITE HERE WILL BE SOLID GOLD.

Community: Jeff Winger

I will probably love anything about this asshole. Drunken Britta/Jeff makeouts. Endless Dean Pelton flirtations (!). What the fuck: his therapist. Maybe find a way to explain that whole (gross) Annie thing, without actually... going there. Yeah. Basically, I'd like to read about him spending money, working out, and going to therapy & like, being forced to steam-wand Dean Pelton's costume collection in a maid outfit. I don't even. I like that most of his sexual relationships are shouldn't-have-done-thats. I like it when people have something on him. I don't like it when he's happy.

ADDENDUM: I realize a lot of this is way too specific, so please feel free to ignore half of it. And if something terrible has happened and you happen to hate whatever character you got in the fandom you offered, then just write something else. Or write about terrible things happening to them. My love/hate here is pretty open to that. :)


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