(no subject)

Nov 07, 2011 14:28

My three priorities these days are pretty much:

a) fretting about finding a new slack-ass part-time day job*;

b) making sure I see all the awesome people and places of Toronto before I'm sucked back into the snowy mid-continent limbo next-next-Wednesday**;


c) listening to terrible dance music, and watching fanvids set to terrible dance music.***

And in light of Article C, here is the only fanwork - based on a flitting search through AO3, anyway - that has really encompassed the whole of my [recent, undiluted, kinda weird] feelings about GOB Bluth of Arrested Development:

sdwolfpup's vid "For Your Entertainment".

image Click to view

Like, mostly his aggressive, inappropriate, shamed and self-conscious need to be loved, I guess, is what I'm interested in, and what this vid really highlights and mocks and also accepts as pretty valid, ultimately. Probably the pitch-perfect match of Glambert's ridic assertions of the effects of his hypersexualized performances, along with GOB's hoarse protestations of mastery & too-physical demands for attention, is the reason this works so well for me. Closely followed by the fact that both those dudes are incredibly entertaining, but not for the reasons they think they are. It's tragicomic, which is exactly what I love about Arrested Development in general, and I wonder if any fic could ever really hit that tone with as much energy and flamboyance as this vid does. I'm guessing no, because the physical comedy is so central. And also, this vidder does incredible work. See also: her Lion King/BSG series finale vid. Yupppp. It's as great as it sounds.

Anyway. These are the reasons I sign up for Yuletide. So I can ask for Michael/GOB and then pretend to be horrified by the results but probably secretly love them.

*is it bad form to apply for a job that you'd probably hate just because one of the employees is an adorable bow-tie-wearing runner asshat who went to your old school and was friends with another dude whom you were running against in the student elections and who you maybe blatantly hit on & then kissed onstage during the all-candidates forum? You know, as a hilarious joke? But like, there are at least better reasons to apply for a job like that, right? like maybe it's in the city of your heart and it's only a 12 month contract anyway and it's exactly what you do for your current employer but actually valued? oh wait, except it's a lobbying firm and the VP running the place was appointed to a citizen's board by Despot Rob Ford to hack the public library budget into slivers of its former self. So probably it wouldn't work anyway? So goodbye, you skinny ginger bow-tied hipster dbag with great hair! Two ships, the night, etc.

**on my list: the ROM, the OAG, Tealish, Mylk Uncookies, Nunu, Fresh, Live, my weirdo boy-cousin, my favourite internet ladies

***Thanks to thissugarcane, subduction and deepsix for Friday's drunken reminiscences about that Spock/Kirk choking vid from forever ago. Time to ratchet that shit back up to slot number one in the spank bank, obvs.

recs, rl, arrested development

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