I think I'm going to drop a class. I KNOW I KNOW. I can't stop complaining about how bored I am and my solution is to drop a class? YES. Because a) I'm going to have one of two really fantastic metadata/archival jobs landed by the end of the week, and b) this prof? Is seriously about as dumb and funny as my high school boyfriend, and about as offensive as Michael Scott. Ok, less offensive. But seriously fucking offensive when you consider that this is a graduate program and I'm paying a thousand bucks to sit there and look at slides of models with maps airbrushed onto their naked bodies and hear his first-year-philosophy opinions on L.A's "fakeness" and how little he likes W. Are you kidding me? I'm going to pay you to spout hackneyed opinions on irrelevant shit in my Geographical Information Systems course? dfklajdfakldfjadf. HATE. I'm dropping it by Friday at the latest, and I'll bitch about the consequences come January. So, on to more important topics:
Is it wrong that I'm really excited that this episode ended with so many breakups? Not that I have any faith that Dan and Serena - or anyone - will last so much as half an episode before getting back together for some boring-as-shit PDAs, however. I enjoyed the sentiment even as I kind of hate this show for having no staying power or like... foreplay, when it comes to the ships we're all supposed to get behind. We're lucky if we get half a scene of bedroom eyes before people are weeping in elevators and getting all affronted in their cherry lipgloss. For instance, how Jenny couldn't stay fired for ten seconds before Eleanor was thanking her for her honesty and begging her for her ~expert grade ten opinions!~ Breakups are what we need. Nasty, mean unpleasant breakups where people get ousted and pissed off and vengeful and then have angry sex but not for several episodes, pls. THIS IS WHAT I WANT. BREAK UPS FOR EVERYONE.
Also, what was with that weird - idk, fandom shout-out? - with the grade seven girls in the park? It was a little jarring, this sudden faceful of reminder that YES, DON'T WORRY, DAN/SERENA IS TOTALLY AN INTERESTING PLOTLINE. SEE? THESE THIRTEEN YEAR OLDS ARE TOTALLY INTO IT. YOU SHOULD BE TOO. ENJOY!
Finally, Chuck Bass having trouble getting it up is the best thing that has ever happened on this show, in my life, to fandom, whatever. It's both the lamest and the best. Because since when has ANY TEENAGE BOY EVER HAD TROUBLE GETTING HARD, EVER. And since when has emotional rejection caused impotence in, um, anyone? Maybe Chuck's old man hair is spreading some elderly roots? Maybe the clap has finally caught up with him and it's actually rotted off? Idk. I just know that Chuck furiously pumping away at a limp member is my new happy place. Unable to penetrate so much as a damp tissue. Alright. Yeah, alright, I'm done.
On a totally unrelated note, Mad Men is probably the best show on television, period, and if I'm lucky season 2 is going to bring me some sort of illegitimate priest-sex for my darling Peggy Olsen, or I'll have to conquer the museum fatigue and write it myself. Ugh, it's exhausting, how good that shit is.