thumbs up

Oct 22, 2006 15:36

The journalism essay I turned in on Wednesday sucked. The end (or, until I get my shit grade back).

on Friday I went to the American Museum of Natural History for my History of the Universe class. It was actually pretty neat. I finished quickly and then went to wander. I browsed the North American Mammals, Hall of Biodiversity, Milstein Hall of Ocean Life, and then got lost on the second (third?) floor wiht African and Asian native peoples or something when I was trying to find the Hall of Gems. But damn. Some moose/elk are HUGEASS. So are some sheep/rams. You could ride those sheep on the Yukon trail.

Before Jeff left I outfitted him with two playlists of excellent songs from my iTunes collection, and I titled the playlists appropriately with the theme of the songs.

Bloop. And Cam and I rearranged the room again, so it's like we each have our side. I love it so much more this way, I don't feel as cramped, but the bad thing is, I lost that corner. :( It was turning into my movies corner, and now I just have a movie wall. Then we hit Bed, Bath, and Beyond for like, the sixth time and got a bookcase. It was in the clearence section, and it looked fantastic, but we worried that it might be damaged or something. So we asked someone there.

WOMAN: Oh, this was tagged with a 650. That means they stopped selling it, and found it in the storage.
LEE: Oh good, so it's not damaged or anything.
WOMAN: *laughs* Certainly not. Nothing in this section is damaged.

Ominous. Yeah. We brought it back all eager to put it together, and not only were like, 2 pieces broken, but one part was missing. Still, we cobbled it together somehow (a lot of effort and ingeunity on our parts, okay).

Bottom shelf on the right are our DVDs :) Oh, and you can see my Edward Norton pictures from Interview magazine that Viv sent me!

college, life, pictures

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