Jun 07, 2007 17:45

I heard a Canadian Tourism Ad on the radio in my car yesterday. The ad tried to put me in a sound picture in which I was on an amazing golf course playing the game of my life while sweet birds sang etc and an elk walked on to the course. And the tag was something like "and you don't mind an interruption in your game, because an ELK IS ON THE COURSE!" Followed by the call your travel agent spiel.

I'm not sure what your reaction might be, but were I on a golf course and an elk appeared, I would run like hell. Who wants to get kicked to death? Is there a baby elk over there? Wow these things are pretty fast OH GOD THE ANTLERS

There was another ad right afterwards in which I was instructed to picture myself paddling a kayak or canoe on Lake Louise having a peak experience. That didn't sound so bad except for the Implied Insects, which are universal in traveling anyhow.

But no elk for me, please.

verynasti, animals, canada, tourism, elk, advertising, danger, peligro, yow, moosbites

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