Video - 02

Nov 27, 2010 23:32

So uh... did the random killer vegetables and stuff stop attacking you guys too? I was just fighting a few of them and they, like, randomly died. Or something. I dunno, it's just kinda weird. Are they really dead or are they just pretending?

I just don't trust these veggies! They're totally just playing dead. Stupid evil food things, thinking they can outwit me! I'm not dumb enough to fall for your evil schemes, evil vegetables! [Scott pokes at a few entirely normal vegetables on the ground with his sword, prompting absolutely no response, as they are normal vegetables]

But, um, like, back to the question, did they just kinda flop down for the rest of you? Because I'm still totally suspicious so I wanted to check and see if they all did.

!video, can't fool me veggies, !ic, public opinion plz

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