Jan 22, 2007 10:07
I have no idea why, but someone out in spam land seems to have the notion that I might have a particular interest in "Hot Sexy Black Singles."
a) I'm 17.
b) I'm very VERY white.
c) Dating sites scare the crap out of me.
d) As if we really need a d here.
The internet can be very creepy about these things. Speaking of creepy...my parents have been very interested in how much our house is worth lately since we're moving in a year and a half. So we went to this site and all we had to do was type in our address; their database knew that our house has 1.5 bathrooms, 4 bedrooms, the amount of people currently living in it, that we have a dog, and the overall market value. This, understandably, petrifies me.
I have Ragtime rehearsal in a little while. As much as I am looking forward to the end product of this show, I absolutely dread the tediousness that is the rehearsal process thus far. I hope to god we get the chance to work on some non-entire ensemble numbers today so I can actually have something to do. I have this huge part, but all we've really touched in rehearsals is the Prologue, in which I move about two inches. Really, I shouldn't complain, because in that number I've got it about as good as everyone else, and then a lot of the rest of the show features the crap out of me.
I should probably eat some breakfast.