Fanfic50 - 041. Shake

Nov 13, 2007 20:15

Title: Shiver
Fandom: Batman Begins
Characters: Jonathan Crane/Bruce Wayne
Prompt: 041. Shake
Word Count: 928
Rating: NC-17
Summary: After Jonathan escapes from the asylum, Bruce finds him on the street.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Bruce found him in the Narrows. He was in his strait jacket, lying on the dirty pavement shaking. Though the ties of the jacket were undone, he had his arms wrapped about his middle as if they weren't. When Bruce leaned down to get a closer look at him in the dark, he heard a muffled, "The crows, the crows..."

"Is that what you see?"

His only answer: "The crows, the crows..."

When Bruce's hand touched Jonathan's arm, the latter fixed his eyes on Bruce and hissed.

"I'm not going to hurt you," Bruce said. "I want to help."

"Help?" Jonathan blinked. "Help? Help?"

Bruce shook his head and wrapped his arms about Jonathan. The man was light, easy to carry; was he coherent enough to feed himself? Bruce didn't think so. Jonathan only whimpered as Bruce held him and protested little when he shoved him into the back of his sports car and refastened the ties of the strait jacket.

He took him to the manor just rebuilt. Alfred said nothing when Bruce told him to prepare a bath, to fetch new towels, to fetch food. Bruce took off all of Jonathan's clothes and lifted him into the bath tub.

He was like a child. He whimpered and whined. When the warm water touched his skin, he jerked and cried out.

"It burns," he said. "It burns." But he let Bruce clean him, for the dirt on his skin was in layers.

Bruce put him in one of the guest rooms. He left him sleeping in the bed and locked the door from the outside.

*     *     *

Bruce woke Jonathan because it was well past 1 p.m. The latter widened his eyes upon seeing him and opened his mouth to shout, but Bruce put a hand over it.

"Yes, you're in the home of your enemy, but calm down." Jonathan's protests were vibrations against his fingers. "I'm only trying to help." Jonathan bit the palm of his hand; Bruce pulled it away. "Fuck."

Jonathan jumped out of the bed and ran for the door, but Bruce grabbed him about the waist.

"Let me go, you brute."

Bruce laughed. "You're lucid!"

"For now." He elbowed Bruce in the ribs, but it had little effect on him.

Bruce pulled him back to the bed. "I don't know what I'm going to do with you yet, but you can't leave."

"Kill me. I'm no use to anyone anymore. In a few minutes I'll be babbling about--"


Jonathan shivered in Bruce's arms. "Yes, those." He bent his head back to look at Bruce. "Will you please let me go?"

"Promise not to run?"

Jonathan scowled. "Fine." But as soon as he was loose, he ran for the door again. And Bruce caught him once again about the waist.

"I told you not to run!" He squeezed tighter. "If I let you go, you might hurt someone, or yourself."

"Okay." Jonathan stopped squirming. "I won't run this time."

Bruce put his arms down but kept his body against Jonathan's. Jonathan started to turn around, and Bruce grabbed his arm.

"I only wanted to turn around!" Jonathan said.

So Bruce used his grip to make him do just that. And Jonathan screeched.

"What?" said Bruce. "Did I hurt you that bad?"

"No, it's just--" He looked down. Jonathan had an erection.

"Aw, fuck!" Bruce backed away, shaking his hand as if he'd touched something disgusting. "You were turned on by that? Jesus, you are fucked, Crane."

Crane bared his teeth and charged at Bruce, who put up his hands but wasn't quick enough to grab his waist this time. Crane slid his hands up Bruce's shirt, scratched at his stomach. Bruce slid back on the bed but didn't fight it. Crane unbuttoned and opened the shirt; he bit at Bruce's shoulder while continuing to scratch. Soon Bruce was bleeding, but still he didn't fight.

"Crane?" he said through gritted teeth.

Jonathan raised his face to Bruce's. "What?" He sounded annoyed.

"You should stop."

"No." He grabbed Bruce's arousal and squeezed and unsqeezed in rhythm. Bruce's chest visibly rose and fell. Jonathan put his free hand on Bruce's heart. "Quick," he said. "So quick."

Bruce reached out to cup Jonathan's jaw. "Then sqeeze quick," he said.

Jonathan sped up his hand until Bruce was on the brink of orgasm. But then he pulled away. Bruce growled and lunged at Jonathan, pressing him to the wall. He put both hand's to his neck. "Why did you stop?"

"I want to feel it too."

Bruce pressed his palm to the crotch of the oversized pants he'd put on Jonathan the night before. He rubbed the spot until the other man was incoherent, moaning and begging. He came quickly. Bruce kept him pressed against the wall.

"I don't need you," he said. "I can finish myself."

Jonathan smirked. "No need." He fell to his knees before Bruce and took him whole in his mouth. It was but seconds before the other man was grunting and pressing his palms to the wall, trying, it seemed, not to cause Jonathan to gag. Upon tasting the semen, Jonathan screeched and fell to the ground.

"No," he pleaded. "Please don't make me do it again, please..."

"Crane?" Bruce pulled up his pants before bending to pick up Jonathan and carry him to the bed. "Crane, do you know where you are?"

"Where I am? Where? Where?" His whole body was shaking; Bruce could feel it.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, patting the side of Jonathan's head. "I must have brought back a nasty memory."

All Jonathan could say was, "Please, no please," over and over.


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