May 15, 2006 23:22

Title: MST of ‘Who Woulda Thought, part 3' (Part Two. Part One is here, at Sara’s journal.)
Authors: Horrible fic by MF. MST by Sara and Kelly
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The characters tackle sequel number two by MF.
A/N: Haha, we’re back with sequel two!


"Beej, be honest- that wasn't a normal kiss." He HAD to bring it up.
"You're was not right. Wanna try again?" I was trying to lighten the mood. He kissed me and it was more uncomfortable than before. Terrific.

"Maybe its just because we both still feel bad." He could read me like a book.

"Yeah...Ben, I still feel horrible about it." Do I have to do this in front of him? Its bad enough that I did it and I feel so rotten...but crying in front of him? I never wanted to do that. He pulled me back into a hug. I think it was getting less odd between us.

"Beej, it was a mistake." THAT'S an understatement. If I could change anything about my life, it would have been that one moment. I hurt him so bad. I almost hate myself for it too.

Charles: An understatement? I believe 'mistake' is a rather fair representation of the facts.
Peg: So do I. I mean, he didn't actually do anything more than the kiss.
Colonel Potter: ‘I think it was getting less odd between us.’? I'll be damned if that wasn't an awkward sentence.
BJ: Damn Hawkeye anyway. He HAD to bring it up.
Hawkeye: Has she never heard of italics?
BJ: Or underlines or bold?


"Beej, look at me. It was a long time ago. Let's get on with our life together." I said.

He brightened up a bit. I'm glad. We kissed again. I think it was more or less back to normal...because I didn't want to stop ever. I think at some point we moved over to the couch. He lay back. "I missed you." I said as I looked into his eyes.

"I missed you too." He cupped my cheek in his hand. I closed my eyes and kissed him.

Peg: He closed his eyes and kissed him? Well, he probably kissed him on his eye, because he couldn’t see what he was doing.
Charles: What horrific crimes have the tenses committed that would warrant this abuse?
Sidney: He brightened up. Is he a lamp? Did he get an idea?
Colonel Potter: Are his eyes glowing again?
Sidney: That was Hawkeye.
Colonel Potter: Was it?
Peg: Yes. But it doesn’t matter.


"Beej, look at me, it was a long time ago. Let's get on with our life together." He said to me. I felt a lot better when he said that. I leaned over and we kissed and it was good. It wasn't awkward at all. I wanted to kiss him forever. I know we moved to the couch, but I don't remember moving, just him laying me back. "I missed you." He looked into my eyes. He didn't look lost anymore like he had when he came last month. He was himself again. I dunno...he seemed to be the Hawkeye I fell in love with.

"I missed you too," I said. I put my hand to his cheek. He closed his eyes and kissed me again. I am glad he's home.

Charles: This is unbelievably repetitive.
Peg: Did you notice how BJ went from doubting his feelings for Hawkeye to being glad he's home? He makes up his mind quickly.
Sidney: A decent writer would show more about thoughts when switching point of view like that. Then again, a decent writer wouldn't have done anything that's in this story.
Hawkeye: Yeah, Peg. Remember how quickly he fell in love with Radar in the other story?
Peg: Yeah. Thanks for reminding me, Hawkeye.


"Beej, do you want to get Maggie tonight?" I asked, wanting to give him a chance to back out gracefully, although I wanted to be alone with him. I think he knows what I really want.

"Nah…I want to be with you...alone." I followed him into the bedroom where he gently urged me onto the bed. I was incredably hard. B.J. has that affect on me. Always has. Before we get too far, I have to talk to him.

Charles: I am suddenly ridiculously gladdened she has not written any sex scenes.
Peg: A sex scene by this writer? Can you imagine it?
BJ: *winces, laughs, winces again*
Kelly’s Voice: She sorta did-remember the cave and the swollen voice? The lack of lube?
Charles: Yes, but I am eternally grateful that it was not graphic.
Sara’s Voice: So is everyone else.


"Beej, do you want to get Maggie tonight?" I asked, wanting to give him a chance to back out gracefully, although I wanted to be alone with him. I think he knows what I really want.

"Nah…I want to be with you...alone." I followed him into the bedroom where he gently urged me onto the bed. I was incredably hard. B.J. has that affect on me. Always has. Before we get too far, I have to talk to him.

Charles: The tenses. Again.
Peg: Will you give up on tenses, already, Charles? You’re going to give yourself a migraine.
Charles: I assure you that a migraine is the least of my health concerns at this point.
Peg: *pats Charles* She'll never get it right, anyway, so it’s no use.
Charles: I just do not comprehend why it is so difficult.
Colonel Potter: Why is Pierce asking if Hunnicutt wants to pick up Pierce's daughter?
Peg: Because he's trying to give him an opportunity to back out gracefully? As if a man would say, "Nah, no sex today- let's take care of the kids!"
Sidney: And let their permanent babysitter off the hook?

"B.J. I want you to forgive yourself for what happened. I don't know how to help you other than to tell you I forgave you long ago, and that I love you, and want to be with you." B.J. nodded lightly and started undressing me. I, stupidly, pull away from him. I know what needs to be said. I love him, and I don't want him to hurt any more. I know my Beej, and he'll punish himself for years if I let him. "I want to hear that you forgive yourself and can move on with our life together," I said gently. I don't want to force him, but I love him, and I need to make him feel better.

"I don't know if I can live with how much I hurt you."

Charles: *blinks, stares*
Peg: Charles, are you all right?
Charles: If Pierce forgave him ‘long ago’, why ever did it take two years for them to reconcile?
Hawkeye: So I’m, what, ordering BJ to forgive himself? That's special.
BJ: You are. And apparently, you’re withholding sex until I do.
Hawkeye: *blinks* Isn't that rather...Margaret-like?
BJ: Margaret’s ghost has taken over your body.
Margaret’s Voice: I heard that!
Hawkeye: Hey! She’s not supposed to be here. She’s dead.
Sara’s Voice: It’s your fault.

"I don't know if I can live with how much I hurt you."

"A wise man once told me, "I'll live, I'm still me," when put in a life or death situation." I pulled my lover close to me, like I used to, and played with his hair. He always felt comfort in this. No matter what happened, cuddling and playing with his hair always made everything better. "You've got to move past it, Beej, please."

"I think I can now that I have you home." That is enough for me. I can forgive him now. I can finally move past the pain. I kissed him, as lovingly and gently as I could. He needed to feel every ounce of my love in this kiss.

"I love you B.J., so much." I see tears streaming down his cheeks as he pulls me close. I love this man.

"I love you, too, Ben. Welcome home."

Peg: *gags* This would be sweet if it wasn't making me vomit.
Sidney: Wait, now Hawkeye can finally forgive him? I thought he already had?
BJ: When did we become overly effeminate?
Hawkeye: That black hole is good. It strikes without warning.
BJ: It's very good.


"Beej, do you want to get Maggie tonight?" He wanted to give me the opportunity to get out of being with him...but I could tell he wanted to be alone with me.

"Nah…I want to be with you...alone." I lead him to the bedroom and laid him on my bed. I felt his hand on my thigh. It was a releif to know I was still attractive to my Hawkeye.

"B.J. I want you to forgive yourself for what happened. I don't know how to help you other than to tell you I forgave you long ago, and that I love you, and want to be with you." I kissed him deeply and pulled at his shirt. He pulled away. "I want to hear that you forgive yourself and can move on with our life together," he said gently.

Charles: The same scene. Yet again.
Colonel Potter: Is this the second or third time on this scene?
BJ: I don't even know anymore.
Peg: “It's a releif to know that I was still attractive to my Hawkeye.” Is that anything like 'relief'?
Sidney: About as much as "ferrit" is like "ferret".

"I don't know if I can live with how much I hurt you."

"A wise man once told me, "I'll live, I'm still me," when put in a life or death situation." He pulled me onto his chest and curled my hair with his fingers. "You've got to move past it, Beej, please."
"I think I can now that I have you home." Hawkeye kiss me gently, and I felt loved for the first time in a long time.I couldn't think clearly. It was just so amazing to feel my Hawkeye give me love again.

"I love you, Beej, so much." he whispered into my ear.

"I love you too, Ben. Welcome home."

Peg: 'Give me love again'?
Charles: What an absolutely dreadful euphemism.
Sidney: I hate the switching point of view for the same scene. They could at least be scenes one after another.
Hawkeye: No, we have to repetitive.
Sidney: Ah, of course.
Charles: It is a Megan Faye story. It cannot be done properly.
Peg: The best part of the whole story:


Charles: Ah, rapture.
Hawkeye: It's over! Finally. Hey, Colonel, can we get someone to arrest this writer?
Colonel Potter: On what charge?
Hawkeye: Crimes against humanity would be a good start.
BJ: *blinks* The end came out of nowhere.
Hawkeye: Don't question it, BJ. Don't.
Sara’s Voice: Now there's just a horrendously long other sequel to do.
Charles: You delight in this torture, do you not?
Kelly’s Voice: Hey, we have to read it, too. Think of it as a valuable public service.
Charles: I think of it as torture.
Sara’s Voice: Eh, suit yourself. Bye, guys. We’ll see you next time.
*The characters disappear and Sara and Kelly appear*
Sara: You want to burn it this time?
Kelly: Sure.
*Kelly burns the scroll*
Sara and Kelly: The end!

mf, mst, public post, bad!fic

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