Allison said so, so I will!!!

Oct 06, 2004 17:40

Allison said that I should write 50 random things in my journal that people wouldn't regurarly know about me, so here it is!... (Don't laugh...)

1. I like for people to care about me
2. I wish sometimes that my friends would make my opinion impact them positively
3. I sometimes write poems that no one ever hears
4. Hugs make me feel safe- no matter who it's from
5. I am COMPLETELY self-conscious about everything about me
6. Me and my best friend have an addiction to Port-O-Pot tipping
7. I have spirts where I wanna do destructive stuff
8. My friends make me so jealous- of every little thing. I love them so much
9. Music is my weakness- all around
10. Guys in bands are completely freakin SeXXy!!!
11. Some of my favorite friends don't even know I really love them
12. I think that life is worth living, no matter what kind of hell is going on
13. I hardly ever cry- but when I do, it's usually because things get too hard to handle
14. I have about 2 people I know I can tell everything to without it getting out
15. I find it hard to trust people because of bad experiences
16. I sometimes go to the mall just to cause trouble
17. I've been kicked out of Park Mall once for a whole day, cause I was playing in the children's play area
18. Out of every guy I've ever really liked, I've never even gone out with one of them
19. All of my best past-times were with friends
20. I don't get along with my dad because he cheated on my mom when she was pregnant with me (and they're still together...)
21. I have thought of modeling, but then was discouraged when I looked in those really long body mirrors
22. I LOVE getting the hiccups
23. I hate it when my hiccups hurt though
24. I like to dance around in my room to music while my sister takes pictures of me- which are the ones I end up giving to people
25. Being friendly to people I don't even know is a habit- a very, very bad one
26. People who complain really make me mad
27. I am very protective when it comes to my brother, and sister
28. I am agressive when people mess with my friends- nobody fucks with my friends as long as I'm around :-)
29. I love to eat- luckily I have a high metabolism
30. French fries dipped in vanilla ice cream is the best dessert ever
31. Most of my best friends are guys
32. When I tell my friends I Love them, they don't know I really DO mean it
33. I don't have a specific taste in guys- I try to get any guy I can
34. Sometimes, I get really sad because I think my friends are actually going somewhere in life, and I'm left in childhood
35. Entertainment for me can be found simply by going to Chuck-E-Cheese
36. I wanna grow up, but I'm scared of losing people
37. I hate school- I feel like a lab rat for the teachers
38. I always come up with good ideas or things to say, AFTER the fact
39. I have 3 pairs of boys whitey- tightey underwear with the pee flap YAY!!!
40. I have 2 pairs of boxers that are SUPER comfy
41. My family life has MANY ups and downs
42. I don't care what my clothes look like- I think they always look so dumb...
43. My mom says I'm my toughest critic
44. I always have a fear of being killed (OOH!!OOHH!!)
45. Feeling Included is a big ego booster for me
46. I LOVE Monster's Inc. and Shrek
47. I have bad habits, but I think they're fine as long as it doesn't get outta hand
48. I love American food (Mexican is ok, chinese I can live with...)
49. Coloring is one of my favorite things to do- I've always loved it
50. My favorite TV shows are South Park, the Simpsons, and Beavis and Butthead

Now YOU GUYS try it and leave a comment on what I said, or if you did it in your journal, lemme know!
I think it was a good idea, so from now on, any entry I put in, I'm gonna put a fact on the bottom of it that I think/want people to know about me.
Thank Allison for the kick bootie idea!!! Well, love ya people!
~Peace~ TCA
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