Sep 30, 2004 13:15
Well, I woke up today at 10:30! Do you have any idea how early that is? Holy poopie it's way earlier than I wanted to wake up. But it's because my stupid dumb horses got outta the yeard, so me and my brother had to go get them from out by the road and the other got stuck in the fence. Yeah- I normally get up at about 12:30, unless I have reason to do otherwise. :-) But anyhoo- since I'm barely starting this thing, if anyone has any tips or wants to offer help tryin to get this thing customized and stuff, PLEASE let me know. I think pretty soon I have to go to my grannys. She needs to have my brother do some stuff around her house for her, since she can't. So we're gonna go to the Village pretty soon. (the Village is what my brother calls the place where my gramma stays. It's like a retirement place where a whole buncha old people live) But yeah- I read people's journals, and see everyone's names in it, and I'm just like- "aww, another time I'm not on someone's mind..." It makes me feel bad, and I don't want other people to feel bad like I do/did. So I think the next entry, I'm gonna devote entirely to naming off special friends, and what makes them so special to me. Cause without some of you guys, I would literally just croak over and die! But I think that we're gonna leave pretty soon, so I guess ya'll can call me or e-mail me or comment or SOMETHIN! And be expectin my next entry to have some names in it. :-) Love ya guys!
L8r~ TCA