im a CRIMINAL!!!! ya a CRIMINAL!!!

Jul 17, 2006 19:39

Alright so seths party was tight...had a lot of fun....smoked on the balcony hahah and didnt give lydia any yes!!!!! well there were a lot of people there includin chance :) aww....well anyways sonia went and that was alright she kinda left early i was pissed....seths friends were like sooo into themselves they didnt give much time to the other people there....well then there was this chick zoe from ohio and she didnt know that it was sooo bright in cali.....yaaa damn hippys!!! ...schatzi was there too, kinda seemed like she didnt even wana be it was just a place for her to wait and chill until she was with max...i mean like damn i havent seen u in a while and u leave in 20 mins....well ok thats tight i gues...anyways..the worlds knew and they say it only gets harder and harder now which means u work more and more and have less and less to show for it so i guess im ready big world!!! gotta lay off the stupid bullshit, cant let what people tell me get to me or worry about whos talkin shit behind my back or postin shit because i got my buds and they will look out for me....and its weird because i have been talkin to paul more and more about the whole situation with max and schatzi and he puts it in a good way and its hard to go what someone else tells you esp if you been doing it a certain way your whole life... i mean hes got a point when he says you know who really got him into that group or met people like was through me and all those people....who got him the job at juice it up which we used is where i taught him cash pickups and worked the store for over an hour an a half while he went and got weed or before the football game where we got some guiness in the bottles and drank them at th park over by lydias house on the bridge...who used to find out all these parties for him such as greg simpsons house (ontop of san dimas canyon past the golf course) i did...and alyssa delarochas where we drove home listenin to the last song on an incubus cd only to say bye to me and lock his keys in the car or.....ha that was me and good times...but then with schatzi where she used to get so drunk that throw up yet i never saw her as sloppy only really to help her just like what i did at her party when people where all trashed or stoned...(from my apple and my bud) and i was there for the breakup of her and trev...was there when ryan gave her jacuzzi and RBF house of anahiem...i helped them up and also helped clean up the trash and what not...i was also the only one to say out loud to kick annas ass out after she threw up in her bed... so we have had all these good times and it just had to stop over what so they could be clean and together.....well im happy for them then im just not happy that they seem to change and say i have mostly but really i HAVE stayed the same....the same old pothead and drunken irish.......
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