what is all this?

Sep 09, 2006 03:33

i am so far away. i am lost in all this new ness. i cant even imagine. alll this stress is showing. can you imagine a school where they show you the real whit? where they show you how to really exists? i couldnt until now. really. its all changed. do ypu want to see my first teacher? here ya go... i had heard the teacher, roland young, was crazy and that there was a video a student from a few years back had secretly taken. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNIf13YbI48 . yeah.
i have the feeling i should cut my hair. my sister thinks not....... maybe shes right. i"ll wait till i"m sure. whateve.
all of this is so old and yet so new. wtf?\
oh to a new address.......
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