mid-November on the East Coast

Oct 05, 2008 11:18

my younger son, Jesse, left for Coast Guard basic training 2 weeks ago. sigh. my baby is goned. anyway, this is at Cape May, NJ, and he graduates Nov 14. he wants me to come out, and so it looks like i'll have my first trip to that part of the world. the airfare is not too bad at this point, about $360 r/t. i'm hoping we can spend the weekend of the 15-16 in NYC, but i need to see if there is anyone who can maybe help us out in that regard. we'll see.

he's hoping to get stationed in the SF Bay area; i wish i knew if that was going to happen but he won't get that word until the end of the month. if i wait that long to buy tix, it'll get really pricy, i'm sure. if he is going to SF, i'd like to go to NJ for his graduation and then to SF. but we'll see.

but maybe i'll finally get a chance to see NYC. that'd be fun. i wonder if we can get tickets for Cats? (i know i know, it's closed.)
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