Afternoon tea, with a side-order of fangirl

Oct 18, 2009 22:25

Today we went to the Tea Shop Crawl organised by the UCLondon Anime Society, a friendlier and sober equivalent of the traditional Pub Crawl (think bunch of students stumbling more and more drunkenly from one bar to the next, minus the LLN beer throwing (I think?)). What had started off perfectly organised quickly took a turn for the worst when we realised that weekend Underground rail works extended to the entire network, thus making the trip between A and B rather...convoluted... (1 bus trip + 3 tube changes + miles of corridors and stairs).
We did manage to get to the rendez-vous point, albeit 20 minutes late. Luckily for us the group had not departed yet as late arrivals are were expected.

Within the first five minutes of introductions and greetings, at least three people glomped each other (wow, long time since I last used that term) with excited squeals after the Anime Society's president declared her everlasting love for X... After that, it's was open game for Extreme Fannish Debates in which the X hiatus was lamented upon, Vampire Knight was likened to a manga version of Twilight *cue disgusted sighs and grunts all around* and various manga/anime were praised/critiqued, etc etc.'s going to be one of those afternoons XDD!!

First stop was at the London Review Bookshop, which is exactly what it says on the tin: it's a book shop, but with cakes and tea! The fig and hazelnut pie was delicious by the way XD! It was also at this point that the President shared her depraved slashing of committee members after one of them helped the other tie his necktie *winkwinknudgenudge* (ironically enough, she formally rejects Genshiken, yeah, pot meet kettle much? XD). Amusingly, nobody questioned the immorality of this piece of RPS. Better yet, it was apparently a hotly debated issue within the Anime Society, with more than a dozen forum pages devoted to the subject. No Kotmanga people, we are not alone! Oh and there was also the juicy bit of gossip about how one of their members, who looks about twelve although he's officially 19 (yeah right!), apparently dressed up as a gothic lolita and pulled it off so convincingly he slept in a girls' dorm without anyone batting an eye (pictures were shown later and yes, he definitely is one hot lady, undoubtedly instigating sexual identity crises among several male attendees XD).

We then went to Yumcha, which is a very cute and cheap tea shop (2£/pot!). At this point, we were joined by the pink-bunny toting pigtail girl, who turned up in full Gothic Lolita outfit and was batshit insane. I'm only exaggerating slightly as this one afternoon gave us merely a glimpse of her wanktastic nature (for comparison, think of the infamous Usagi Kou of Fandom Wank fame)...
Other than that, the other people were very nice, there was that kind of atmosphere you have at conventions where people freely chat amongst each other, safe with the knowledge that they were among their kind (eer...I just made us sound like some persecuted cult ^^;;).

Finally, the pièce de résistance was traditional English Afternoon Tea at the Liberty Café. "Posh" is the first word that comes to mind when describing the place. The Café was located within a shopping centre carrying high-end products straight off the catwalk and the building had carved wooden elevators. So very, very chic.

The afternoon tea was...filling to say the least, we ended up sharing two sets per three persons since one set was composed of :
- four crustless sandwiches (cucumber, egg & cheese, salmon, ham & cheese)
- two scones, jam and butter
- one muffin, one cake, one slice cake
- one huge pot of tea

It was delicious of course but man, did we have trouble getting to the end of it ^^;;;... In this new setting, the fangirling turned to relative merits of the Prince of Tennis musicals (OMG TENIMYU!!! XDDDD).
I also had the following conversation with the President:
President : The X manga is quite gore, I think the volumes were classified as 18+.
Me : Oh definitely, but what's worse than the blood and gore is the fact that it's disturbingly arousing because one of them is licking the other's tears!
President : OOH TTLY!! Or when Fuuma shoves the iron bar into Kamui's leg!
Me : ZOMG YES! On the one hand, it's hot but on the other, it's an iron bar in his leg!!

Today, people, was a good day ^______________^=.

nusuth : Eer, I may or may not need you to bring over my Akito costume as apparently, there's a Grand Cosplay Ball end november, which is a ball...with cosplayers...erm. Yeah .___.

Dans d'autres nouvelles, j'ai fait une découverte! Grâce aux efforts combinés de mes chères cokotteuses, j'ai réalisé que mon portable venait avec des micros intégrés. Allez savoir, je ne me suis jamais posé la question étant donné que je conçois le micro soit sous forme casque, soit sous forme périphérique... Comme quoi, Skype nous ouvre les horizons ^^;;;... Ca veut également dire,
yue_ix , que j'ai me suis très inutilement compliqué la vie la dernière fois où nous avions parlé par internet ^^;;...

keyword-21, keyword-20, keyword-14

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