Coloris- Chapter 2 Part 2

Jul 02, 2010 04:43

Coloris co-write with ozgasmic 
Rating: R
Pairing: future JoshuaNeku and other various
Summary: A year has passed since the monumental Game and Neku Sakuraba's life is anything but interesting. At least, until Joshua lays out the cards and gives the teen the Ace of Hearts: a position in the Reaper's Game previously unknown to him. But what exactly does it all entail, and what prices will there be to pay? Nothing is ever free, especially entertainment.
Previous Chapters: Chapter One  Chapter Two Part 1


Joshua refused to look at his Producer.


Joshua looked up with a lack of interest. "Full names now?"

"Cut the crap." Joshua bit his lip. "I'm fully aware you're still not in the best of shape ... or whatever over what happened a year ago but..."

Joshua looked off to the right, entranced by a window. Or at least, faked it. "Your point...?"

"You can't hold those actions against Neku, thinkin' he'll do the same thing. And it's not fair to the kid to expect him to excel if you're actin' like that."

Joshua sighed. "And you suggest....?"

"Go after him. Not telling you to apologize, because god knows you wouldn't anyhow..."

Joshua contemplatively tipped his head back and eyed the ceiling. "He left and you're telling me to follow. I don't follow."

"That's not how I remember it."

Joshua's face wore an expression of slight betrayal. "Fine."

And with that, he left Wildkat as well.

It took less than five minutes to get home whilst running, and he locked the door behind him before holing up in his room and hiding his face in his pillow.

"Fuck, fuck fuck fuuuck." He groaned, raising a fist and punching the headboard. Joshua was an asshole, completely and utterly; did he have nothing better to do than constantly contradict whatever assumptions Neku had made of him?

He laid still, feeling melancholy and tired. That's right; he'd only had about three hours sleep before Joshua had shown up, hadn't he? That was what this was; this emotional state he was in. Exhaustion.

He closed his eyes and breathed steadily, allowing himself to slowly slip back into sleep.

Joshua didn't bother knocking when he finally arrived to the stately home of the Sakuraba household. Instead, he leaned against the front-door outside. The Composer fiddled with his cell-phone for a good ten minutes before drawing up a blank text message. And then he spent another twenty before he actually typed anything in.

It was a whole hour before the message was complete, and all it read in its completion was, 'Not your fault'. And after two hours of being at his doorstep, Joshua sent the text and rested his head back against the siding of the house, eyes shutting.

Neku shifted into wakefulness when he heard his phone going off, reaching for it lethargically before reading it with blurry eyes.

He felt a pang of- something, and a weight being lifted off his shoulders, because he knew that when Joshua was involved, this was as close to an apology as he would get.

He stared at it, biting his lip, before snapping his phone shut and racing towards the door, slipping his shoes on and figuring he'd check the Wildkat to see if the Composer was still there. Stepping out, he cursed loudly, racing back inside to get his keys.

'Wildkat Cafe, and then Shibuya River?' He thought, looking around and grumbling more when he couldn't figure out where he'd placed the damn things. 'And if he's not there then...what?'

"I'll think of something," he huffed.

By that point, Joshua had already entered a light slumber. The music of the city flowed in and out of her Composer, turning dark, twisted chords into airy notes. So it was only logical that he didn't realize Neku would actually respond to the text. Besides, the Noise back at Wildkat had done a number on him, so a slight power-nap was as good as he was going to get. Even if it was against the Sakuraba house.

Finally finding his keys, Neku raced out the door again, slamming it shut behind him. He'd only taken a few steps before he tripped, stumbling over something quite large and landing on the concrete with a yelp of pain.

"The fu-" The words died on his lips when he rolled over and saw what he had actually managed to trip up on. "Well damn," he said, dumbfounded.

Joshua winced in pain. Any elegance and grace he once possessed was clearly gone in that moment. "O-ow," he grumbled groggily, not completely with it yet, still caught between the subconscious and the waking.

Neku shifted onto his knees, crawling over to Joshua, who was still obviously out of it, and reached out a hand to his shoulder hesitantly.

"Sorry; you okay?" He asked, wincing as the rocks now imbedded in his knees pressed into his flesh. That wasn't how he intended to find him.

When Joshua's vision cleared from the remnants of sleep, he was quite surprised to be met with deep blue eyes. And a hand touching him.

"Neku?" he said flatly, confused as to why Neku was on the ground, why he was wincing, and why he wasn't hollering in anger over something.

"How long have you been out're freezing, you know that?" Neku questioned, shifting back and standing, grimacing as blood ran down his knee. "Dammit." He muttered, brushing the grit off his shins.

"Mm...." Now that Neku pointed it out, he did feel ridiculously cold. With a casual glance at his phone by his side, he murmured, "two hours or so." He lifted his gaze and frowned at the wound. Still sleepy, he saw no harm in reaching out and touching the blood-stained area. His fingertips pulsed and slowly, the gash healed itself, the blood drying, leaving behind a very thin, light scar. Joshua yawned.

Neku sighed and stared down at Joshua in amusement, his leg twitching from the warmth of the Composer's power.

"Why don't you come inside then?" he asked, holding out a hand.

Joshua's own hand fell away and he yawned again, observing the hand curiously. And then he sneezed. Not at the hand, of course, but nonetheless...

"Mm..." Fighting back another, he took the hand and got to his feet, free hand brushing back his cold hair.

"Maybe something hot, too," he commented dryly, gripping his hand and rubbing it between his own. "Idiot..." he said fondly.

Joshua looked quizzically at Neku. "...What are you doing?" And he was being completely honest.

Neku blinked, and stepped back with a cough.

"N-nothing," he answered. He couldn't get inside quick enough, leaving the door open for his partner to make his way in at his leisure, "What were you doing, Sakuraba," he asked himself quietly.

Joshua did not further comment on it and headed inside after a second or two. He shut the door behind himself and sneezed a second time. "...Lovely," he muttered, arms instinctively hugging themselves loosely to his body.

Neku made his way to the bedroom, coming back out in time to see Joshua hug himself. 'Well that's what you get when you stay out in the cold.' Which was his fault, really.

Biting down a few pangs of guilt, he flung a jumper in Joshua's direction with a muttered "here" before heading towards the kitchen.

Joshua eyed the piece of clothing cryptically, half expecting a poisonous bug to be hidden in it. When he deemed it safe, he slipped it on. It took the Composer a moment to realize that his nose had buried itself in the collar.

Putting some water into the kettle, he set it to boil before heading back out into the living room, checking the temperature dial and shifting it up a little, at least till Joshua warmed up.

"..Thank you for the text." He eventually said, heading back into the kitchen quickly.

Joshua followed into the kitchen, looking exhausted and just a bit miserable. He didn't respond to Neku's statement, if only to keep the awkward levels at a certain place, but did offer a nod to show he had acknowledged it.

He took a seat at the counter and began absently playing with a few notes lingering around, buzzing eagerly to be toyed with. Maybe it'd make him feel better.

Neku glanced over as soon as the notes were struck, joining in singing after the first few beats. He tried to manipulate what he was singing, attempting to help Joshua, if only in mood, as he made up a hot chocolate and placed it in front of the melancholy Composer.

Joshua dipped a finger into the cup and recoiled, frowning. "Do you expect me to drink this?" he questioned blandly. "It's too hot." And yes, that was the closest Neku was ever going to get to Joshua pouting and not being facetious about it.

The Composer sighed and gave a deft lick to his finger, even though it was stinging from the slight burn.

Neku just shook his head and kept on Singing; making up his own tune as he went. 'Something soft, something relaxing' He thought, leaning back against the counter. He could almost hear the piano accompaniment, tinkling in and out without taking force away from the vocals.

It was helping him, if nothing else. He felt guilty enough about Joshua's current state without adding punching him in the face to the list, simply because he couldn't keep his temper after a few simple comments.

"Neku," Joshua began, fascinated by the melody. It was effectively taking his mind off the annoying three hours he had previously dealt with. "Your voice is adorable."

A slight smirk - yes, he was progressively feeling better.

Neku didn't stop to complain; just flipped him off with a cheeky grin as he noted in satisfaction how a little bit more life had appeared in Joshua's eyes.

'And if he can make a stupid comment, then he's fine.' He figured peacefully.

Joshua stuck his tongue out at the gesture and hummed innocently, "Well....that could be arranged~" The Composer propped his chin up again and allowed a few measures to bounce from his Soul off into the room.

Neku snickered, which twisted the ending notes of his Song into lively amusement before he allowed it to taper off.

"In your dreams." He sang back, laughing even more because, dammit, this was going to happen every time.

Neku's laugh was unique just as much as it was rare. It was enticing how giddy simple Music could make his novice Singer. "But Nekuuu," he drawled, reached out to curl a strand of invisible Music around his fingers, giving a soft tug on it.

Neku leaned forward with a sigh of contentment.

"Yeeees~" He wondered if, eventually, he'd get stuck like this all the time. It didn't sound too bad, really.

Joshua's eyes shimmered. "You know that Composers always get what they want," he teased, further coiling the Music around his fingers, as if reeling in an invisible line.

"Well I don't think that's very healthy." Neku said gaily, wandering over to Joshua with an eye on that finger that kept coiling round in the air, stringing him in, he knew. "That's called cheating." He pointed out.

"So?" Joshua challenged, tipping his head cockily as he gave another tug to the near-glowing Music. "Does it matter?"

"What do you think?" He retorted, letting himself be tugged over with no complaint. "I think I might have put you in too good a mood."

" 'Too' good a mood?" Joshua repeated with a smirk. "And what would that entail?" His eyes flashed curiously at the Singer, attempting to discover the boy's angle on this.

Neku shook his head and stepped backwards, tilting his head up questioningly. What was it about him that was making Joshua look so...analytical, right now?

"You're playing with me; isn't that a bit up and beyond your usual game of annoying me with every sentence?"

Joshua giggled faintly, reaching out to lightly take Neku's wrist, letting a soft melody rush towards his Singer. "What can I say...? I suppose I just love games." He clicked his tongue and lifted his gaze to Neku.

Neku's eyes lidded the moment the music hit his body. A soft coo came from his lips, and he shifted closer absently.

"Aren't games supposed to be fair?"

"....Sometimes," Joshua agreed and shifted so that he was standing. "Neku," he breathed, moving a hand to brush back his Singer's hair. He ghosted his lips over the boy's ear, "open your eyes." Because it was a lesson he needed to learn, anyway.

Neku's lids fluttered, and he opened them slowly, looking forward as his breath hitched slightly from Joshua's seemingly sudden proximity.


"You're letting Music dictate your thoughts and actions," the Composer explained, giggling lightly into Neku's ear. His hand rested on his once-proxy's hip, if only to accent his point. "It's dangerous, you know. Who knows what you could blindly do if you let it."

Neku's eyes dimmed, and he clenched a fist lightly.

"...Asshole." He eventually said, stepping backwards. He knew Joshua was right, knew he had to get some control over himself, but- "I was enjoying being happy, for the first time in years."

He exited the kitchen quickly, fighting the urge to punch a wall, or better yet, Joshua's face. The residual effects of the music were still coiled inside him, but he ignored it in favor of the fury that made his mind lucid.

"My life is a fucking joke." He groaned, flopping down onto the lounge.

Joshua's teasing demeanor was gone the moment Neku left the room, showing to be as fake as everything else he usually conjured up. He sighed heavily and dragged a hand through his hair. It had to be done. Neku needed to know the power of what he was dealing with.

Anyone with a sense of Music could come along, brainwash the poor boy with a few pretty songs, and spell chaos. Neku needed to be taught through doing, not telling. He was just like that, and Joshua knew it.

Still, it didn't make it any easier.

He eventually passed into the room Neku had escaped to. "You know, there's a point where you can enjoy it without letting it drive you." Which was where Joshua had grown to be at. He could appreciate the Music, but it couldn't control him. Even though sometimes he wished it still

Neku sighed, covering his face with his arms.

"I'd rather just not think about it right now." He muffled out, grateful that his voice had lost that melodic quality to it that he was going to flat out avoid receiving, if he could. He was happy to Sing things for Joshua, as long as the Composer kept it down to things he had actually composed. On paper.

"See? Better already," Joshua mused aloud and leaned over to tap the boy's head. "Ne-ku, don't act like this." With an exhale through his nose, he distractedly combed his fingers through the locks of orangey red accessible to him at that moment.

Neku refused to relax, though Joshua's fingers sliding through his hair were highly distracting. He shifted one of his arms slightly, peeking out to see if he could understand anything from the look on Joshua's face. No such luck.

"...I don't get you." He said finally, sighing into his arms. "You are such a contradictive bastard; can you just pick a personality and stick with it, for once?"

Joshua's fingers paused mid-stroke at the statement. After a moment, he continued. "I apologize that I don't come in black and white," he mocked. "I prefer to look at life with colour." 'I didn't ask you to understand me'

Neku listened to his answer before shifting his arms away from his face to stare openly.

"You do it on purpose." He accused, voice soft. "Every time I think you're relaxing around me, that I can relax too, you change everything. You can't expect me to believe that isn't forced."

Joshua made a frustrated noise. "Push over," he finally said.

Neku blinked but slid upwards, crossing his legs with his back against the headrest; more than enough room for Joshua.

Joshua sat down and plucked at his own hair restlessly. He didn't look at Neku right away. When the need to finally overtook him, he tossed Neku a cryptic stare. "I told you there were no rules; but there's things you need to learn. I won't always be the one to kindly break those things in for you."

Joshua bitterly looked away. "Hmmm... and besides... I think you do your best when you're forced to always be on your toes."

"I think I'd do better if I knew I could trust you like before." Neku said honestly, picking at a loose bit of fabric in the couch. "You still say we're partners, right? Then give me something to work with, instead of just pushing me along."

Joshua was silent for a long while.

"My last Singer betrayed me," he said slowly. "Let the allure of the power and the Music corrupt him until he didn't need anything else. One of the brightest Souls in Shibuya... fell to the lowest depths." With each word he spoke, his voice got a fraction lower.

"And if someone so pure could be that easily swayed against not only the Game and Shibuya, but myself...." He didn't finish and affixed his gaze on the vase across the room.

"...Josh." Neku swallowed hard, tentatively reaching out a hand and placing it on the Composers. "I've never wanted power. Singing is great, and the Music is fantastic, because it makes me happy, but..." He took his hand away and shifted, wrapping his arms around his knees. "Knowing that I can actually help you...that's what's making this worthwhile."

"And you call me confusing," Joshua huffed, though it was obviously mocking and he darted his gaze over to Neku. "......I trust you."

Neku glanced over and graced the other occupant of the couch with a minuscule smile. "I won't let you down." He promised.

"If you do~” Joshua trailed off ominously and then smirked. He reclined back against the couch, lazily tracing patterns on the fabric. "Eventually you'll get tired of the Game. Not even the Music and sex was a big enough hook to keep the last one." A dramatic sigh.

Neku choked on a laugh, reaching out and flicking Joshua's forehead.

"Well I'm not the last one, so don't make any stupid assumptions." He told him, laying back and flicking his legs onto the Composer's lap. "Help me learn, and I'll work till I've got it right."

Joshua eyed the pair of legs in his lap with a scrunched nose. really? "If you say so, Singer~" And he boredly ran a slim finger along Neku's leg, marveling at how much of a spirit the teen really had.

"You made your point before, Composer." He shot back, relaxing into the couch. It was quite comfortable, for how stiff and expensive it looked.

"And what was that?" A treble cleft on his ankle, a quarter note near his knee.

"I get it!" He snorted, shifting his legs off the couch. "Seriously, enough."

"What?" Joshua tipped his head. "What exactly are you referring to?"

"Stop throwing music at me." He frowned, shifting onto his side. Trust Joshua to act innocent.

Joshua smirked - he wasn't going to say he wasn't and was merely touching Neku. "Ah~ Of course. My apologies - you pass the test."

"Test, right." Neku said dryly, not believing his rather weak lie. "You alright now? The sneezing's stopped."

"Fancy that. You're a miracle worker," Joshua teased and lounged further. "Mm, I'm fine. A bit tired, but nonetheless..."

"You can stay, if you don't want to go back to...tell me you don't sleep in the sewer." Neku blanched. The Pad hidden within Shibuya River was fairly nice, but it was still the sewers.

"As much as that very idea makes me laugh..." Joshua trailed off and shook his head. "I live in the City." A pause. "In a normal building." And he craned his neck back further, letting his bangs hide his face. "Is that an invite, though?"

"A normal building...shocking." Neku said with a smirk. He shrugged. "I guess...? You can have my bed; mom won't bother me if she sees me unconscious on the couch, but you might be a shock."

Joshua bit his tongue and instead nodded cordially. "How thoughtful," he hummed, dragging out his syllables before adding, "it's probably for the best. After all, we don't want your mother jumping to conclusions."

"Keep your insinuations to yourself." Neku snorted, standing up with a yawn. "Just let me grab some stuff and it’s all yours." He padded over to the hallway, not bothering to see if Joshua would follow.

Joshua did follow, albeit groggily. "And what would that be? Your deep and dark secrets you don't want me seeing?" he taunted.

"Something easier to sleep in and a spare blanket." Neku answered dryly. "So yes, very deep~"

Stepping into his bedroom, he rifled through the drawers for some sleepwear, mentally telling himself that he should do some laundry before picking something out.

"Do you want something?" he asked, heading to the wardrobe next.

"I don't see why not, sure," Joshua answered, taking residency on Neku's bed. Like a cat, he stretched languidly before resting inertly on his back, gaze trained on the ceiling in a perfect mix of boredom and fatigue.

Neku dumped a blanket on the floor and placed his clothes on top, heading back to the drawers and grabbing a pair of grey pants for the Composer.

Eerie, to think that the Composer, of all things, was going to sleep in his bed. But then he was different as well, so maybe the bed was used to it.

"Here," he said, throwing the pants over Joshua's face and slinging a saggy t-shirt after it.

Joshua's nose scrunched up beneath the fabric and he gave a shove to the pants, removing them from his face. A look of disgruntlement took shape. "No, that'll be all, Neku," he drawled, sitting up on the bed. "You're excused." And with no shame whatsoever, he began peeling off his shirt in one fluid motion.

Neku stared for a few seconds before grabbing his things and marching out the door, face red.

"It's like being stuck in a PE locker room," he complained to himself, shutting the door behind him. He shuffled slowly back down the hall, rubbing his eyes with his free hand. God, he was tired.

After changing, Joshua shifted back into the bed, burying himself effectively in the covers. He curled up and allowed sleep to claim him, Music pulsing quietly and contently all the while. A gentle thrum in the otherwise silent air.

On the opposite side of the house, Neku stared up at the ceiling, shifting under the covers into a more comfortable position, eyes slowly drooping shut. Unlike his room, which felt warm and safe and was easily unrecognizable as his, the lounge room was cold, and in the dark, full of shapes and shadows that he was unfamiliar with.

It was lucky that he felt so exhausted; though it took over an hour for sleep to collect him, at least, in the end, it did actually come.

fanwork: writing

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