I'm not going to spend too much time writing on 484 because I have a lot of other writing I need to get to for
kannagara_rpg that has to come first. But! I WILL SAY, I AM STILL SO HAPPY THAT KAKASHI IS DEMONSTRATING SO MUCH BELIEF IN SASUKE! ;__; He still
hasn't given up on him yet.
But that aside, what's a little more astounding is the ridiculous fucking genderfail that happened in this chapter.
Are you fucking serious, Kishi? I mean, it's bad enough that Sakura's been sidelined repeatedly and genderfailed repeatedly with I'm-In-Love-With-Narutogate and Does-Not-Fight-In-Pain-Invasiongate, but this is just flat out bad writing. Did Kishimoto forget that Sakura is supposed to have superhuman strength? Why the fuck is she relegated to such a pathetic role when she has the ability to smash Sasuke's arms into little tiny smithereens and then put him back together again at her will? Instead, she has to cry and be incapable of actually killing Sasuke because of course, LOL SHE'S A GIRL AND HER EMOTIONS END UP MAKING HER A BAD SHINOBI (or kunoichi, in this case), and then get herself into the typical Damsel-In-Distress situation that requires Naruto to save her.
IT IS OFFICIAL: KISHIMOTO HATES WOMEN. Specifically, women who actually could have the potential for any relevance in Naruto. And anyone who thinks otherwise is either not reading, not getting it, or just plain stupid, at this point. I'll admit that
a year ago there was maybe a chance of a doubt that Kishi actually gave a shit about women. But now I am completely and unapologetically convinced that he's just hating and will never stop hating, because women are just flat out cursed with something called a vagina and lack phallocentric power.