Hi, Babe. I know you are reading
this. But just take a moment to realise what it means. I mean...look at that. How happy he is. And when I think back on how Flynn was when we first met him...how unhappy he was and stand-offish in a completely understandable way...this change in incredible and it makes me so happy.
And I know there might be times with Mara when you'll wonder if you can do it. Of course there will be. But then I hope you'll remember this post. And that post. And the vast difference you've made in Flynn's life. He can be that happy, kind, loving person because of you. I know...there are other factors too, of course, and there will be in Mara's life too. She'll have friends and me when I'm around and Abby and Peter...Mums..everyone. But she'll come to you for things first. Just like Flynn did. You showed Flynn that it was alright to love and be loved again. And look where it's gotten him.
You can do this. You already have.