myfadingmelody wrote in suaday Jun 23, 2011 23:08
killer smile, su lights up my life, junsu's sperm-shaped eyes, no words can describe this, hawtness overload, month: june, how can one be so beautiful?, homg flaaaaail, holy badonkadonk, smiley!su, sunshine boy, xiahzart, unf su, xiahzart!, ♡♡♡, mozart!su, junsu sparkles~, sex hair, *2011, so precious
itsplashes wrote in suaday May 26, 2011 22:25
blond is the new black, tiny hands, xiahzart, xiahzart!, shy boy, blonde junsu, boy and his weird fashion, month: may, *2011, how can one be so beautiful?, smiley!su, so precious, misc: rehearsals
junsoul wrote in suaday May 24, 2011 22:39
wai so cute, xiahzart, xiahzart!, i'm crying tears of heaven, month: may, *2011, scans: photobook, smiley!su, so precious, is it hot in here or what?
junsoul wrote in suaday May 11, 2011 21:04
blond is the new black, xiahzart, xiahzart!, mozart!su, blonde junsu, boy and his weird fashion, month: may, *2011, so precious, misc: rehearsals
junsoul wrote in suaday May 02, 2011 22:41
xiahzart, misc: making film, xiahzart!, mozart!su, month: may, junsu sparkles~, *2011, so precious
junsoul wrote in suaday Jan 30, 2011 00:39
*2011, wai so cute, xiahzart, xiahzart!, mozart!su, month: january
junsoul wrote in suaday Jan 26, 2011 23:14
xiahzart, sexy dork, dork!su, xiahzart!, misc: endorsement, mozart!su, month: january, *2011, specsy!su, homg flaaaaail, so precious
junsoul wrote in suaday Jan 25, 2011 20:43
xiahzart, sexy dork, no words can describe this, xiahzart!, hawtness overload, mozart!su, month: january, event: musical concert, *2011, intoxiahcation, homg flaaaaail
junsoul wrote in suaday Jan 06, 2011 22:24
xiahzart, dork!su, xiahzart!, month: january, other: .gifs, *2011, insert keysmash here, smiley!su, squishy boy!
junsoul wrote in suaday Nov 04, 2010 23:25
wai so cute, xiahzart, *2010, backstage passes!, xiahzart!, month; november, hello arms, misc: selca